Tutorial by Examples

There are many ways you can create a UIColor: Swift Using one of the predefined colors: let redColor = UIColor.redColor() let blueColor: UIColor = .blueColor() // In Swift 3, the "Color()" suffix is removed: let redColor = UIColor.red let blueColor: UIColor = .blue If the c...
5 <input type="color" name="favcolor" value="#ff0000"> In supporting browsers, the input element with a type attribute whose value is color creates a button-like control, with a color equal to the value of color attribute (defaults to black if value is not spe...
Detailed instructions on getting access-vba set up or installed.
Requirements The following setup guide is for cakephp 2.8 and above. All cakephp versions lower than 2.8 are not compatible with php 7 HTTP Server. For example: Apache. Having mod_rewrite is preferred, but by no means required. PHP 5.5.9 or greater (including PHP 7). mbstring PHP extension in...
To create and manage Heroku apps locally you'll need the Heroku Toolbelt, here are some ways to get it. Download Download the Heroku Toolbelt installer from Heroku's website. Homebrew Install heroku with brew: brew install heroku Debian/Ubuntu Run this script: wget -O- https://toolbelt.her...


5 <input type="url" name="Homepage"> This is used for input fields that should contain a URL address. Depending on browser support, the url field can be automatically validated when submitted. Some smartphones recognize the url type, and adds ".com" to the k...
The public keyword makes a class (including nested classes), property, method or field available to every consumer: public class Foo() { public string SomeProperty { get; set; } public class Baz { public int Value { get; set; } } } public class Bar() { publ...
The private keyword marks properties, methods, fields and nested classes for use inside the class only: public class Foo() { private string someProperty { get; set; } private class Baz { public string Value { get; set; } } public void Do() { var ...
File f = new File(path); String content = new Scanner(f).useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); \Z is the EOF (End of File) Symbol. When set as delimiter the Scanner will read the fill until the EOF Flag is reached.
CSS div{ width: 150px; height:150px; background-color: red; transition: background-color 1s; } div:hover{ background-color: green; } HTML <div></div> This example will change the background color when the div is hovered the background-color change will...
Active patterns are a special type of pattern matching where you can specify named categories that your data may fall into, and then use those categories in match statements. To define an active pattern that classifies numbers as positive, negative or zero: let (|Positive|Negative|Zero|) num = ...
The HTML 4.01 specification provides several different types of doctypes that allow different types of elements to be specified within the document. HTML 4.01 Strict <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> Includes all...
Inline SVG allows SVG markup, written within HTML, to generate graphics in the browser. When using SVG inline, a DOCTYPE is not strictly required. Instead just the <svg> opening and closing tags together with either a viewBox or width and height attributes will suffice: <svg width="1...
Detailed instructions on getting apache set up or installed. Ubuntu Installation sudo apt-get install apache2 Windows Installation Check out the WAMP stack. WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin. CentOS Installation Apache 2.2 comes with CentOS6, whereas 2.4 comes with Cen...
Directives are one of the most powerful features of angularjs. Custom angularjs directives are used to extend functionality of html by creating new html elements or custom attributes to provide certain behavior to an html tag. directive.js // Create the App module if you haven't created it yet va...
There are two common ways to install Groovy. Download The Groovy binary can be downloaded on the download page of the Groovy website. You can unpack archive and add path to %GROOVY_HOME%/bin/groovy.bat to the PATH system environment variable, where %GROOVY_HOME% is the directory where Groovy is un...
Detailed instructions on getting orchardcms set up or installed.
If the items in your RecyclerView load data from the network (commonly images) or carry out other processing, that can take a significant amount of time and you may end up with items on-screen but not fully loaded. To avoid this you can extend the existing LinearLayoutManager to preload a number of...
To create and run new WPF project in Visual Studio: Click File → New → Project Select template by clicking Templates → Visual C# → Windows → WPF Application and press OK: Open MainWindow.xaml file in Solution Explorer (if you don't see Solution Explorer window, open it by clicking V...

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