A key component of interactive web systems, input tags are HTML elements designed to take a specific form of input from users. Different types of input elements can regulate the data entered to fit a specified format and provide security to password entry.
<input type="" name="" value="">
Parameter | Details |
class | Indicates the Class of the input |
id | Indicates the ID of the input |
type | Identifies the type of input control to display. Acceptable values are hidden , text , tel , url , email , password , date , time , number , range , color , checkbox , radio , file , submit , image , reset , and button . Defaults to text if not specified, if the value is invalid, or if the browser does not support the type specified. |
name | Indicates the name of the input |
disabled | Boolean value that indicates the input should be disabled. Disabled controls cannot be edited, are not sent on form submission, and cannot receive focus. |
checked | When the value of the type attribute is radio or checkbox, the presence of this Boolean attribute indicates that the control is selected by default; otherwise it is ignored. |
multiple | HTML5 Indicates multiple files or values can be passed (Applies only to file and email type inputs ) |
placeholder | HTML5 A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control . The placeholder text must not contain carriage returns or line-feeds |
autocomplete | HTML5 Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. |
readonly | Boolean value that indicates the input is not editable. Readonly controls are still sent on form submission, but will not receive focus. HTML5: This attribute is ignored when the value of type attribute is either set to hidden , range , color , checkbox , radio , file or button . |
required | HTML5 Indicates a value must be present or the element must be checked in order for the form to be submitted |
alt | An alternative text for images, in case they are not displayed. |
autofocus | The <input> element should get the focus when page loads. |
value | Specifies the value of <input> element. |
step | The step attribute specifies the legal number intervals. It works with the following input types: number , range , date , datetime-local , month , time and week . |
As with other HTML5 void elements, <input>
is self-closing and may be written <input />
. HTML5 does not require this slash.
The following are valid input types in HTML:
The following are newly introduced input types as a part of HTML 5 standard. Some of these types are not supported by all web browsers. In the case where a type is not supported, the input element will default to the text
To check which browsers support which types, you can go to caniuse.com.