Tutorial by Examples

View Status: php indexer.php status Reindex All php indexer.php reindexall Reindex Specific Index php indexer.php --reindex CODE (see list below) List of Individual Codes IndexCodeProduct Attributescatalog_product_attributeProduct Pricescatalog_product_priceCatalog URL Rewritescatalog_u...
Download seed Run dotnet restore Run npm install Always. Enjoy. https://github.com/SamML/CoreAngular000
Also known as the Knuth shuffle and the Durstenfeld-Fisher-Yates shuffle. This shuffle takes an array of n elements and shuffles it. The algorithm is truly random in that, after shuffling, each permutation of the array is equally likely. In java: public static void shuffle(E[] deck) { //Fro...
using only the for <timeout> clause, it is possible to get an unconditional wait that lasts for a specific duration. This is not synthesizable (no real hardware can perform this behaviour so simply), but is frequently used for scheduling events and generating clocks within a testbench. This e...
How to: CALL ANGULAR 2 HTML/JS COMPONENT FROM ASP.NET Core CONTROLLER: We call the HTML instead return View() return File("~/html/About.html", "text/html"); And load angular component in the html. Here we can decide if we want to work with same or diferent module. Depends o...
Latest Android Studio will create & integrate a Basic Widget to your Application in 2 steps. Right on your Application ==> New ==> Widget ==> App Widget . It will show a Screen like below & fill the fields Its Done. It will create & integrate a basic HelloWorld Widget(I...
Sets are unordered collections of unique objects, there are two types of set : Sets - They are mutable and new elements can be added once sets are defined basket = {'apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana'} print(basket) # duplicates will be removed > {'orange', ...
A single instance of Node.js runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node.js processes to handle the load. var cluster = require('cluster'); var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length; if (cluster...
Alfresco Share is one of the one part of the Alfresco as product- it's user interface on the Alfresco repository (platform), by default it is avaiable on <host>:<port>/share. It is built on the Surf framework. The Surf framework was developed by Alfresco, but in 2009 Alfresco began wor...
Docker has announced following editions: -Docker-ee (Enterprise Edition) along with Docker-ce(Community Edition) and Docker (Commercial Support) This document will help you with installation steps of Docker-ee and Docker-ce edition in CentOS Docker-ce Installation Following are steps to instal...
This is a very basic progress bar that only uses what is needed at the bare minimum. It would be wise to read this whole example to the end. import sys import time from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QDialog, QProgressBar, QPushButton) TIME_LIMIT = 100 ...
Build an app.js with a simple data store: app.get("/bookstore", function (req, res, next) { // Your route data var bookStore = [ { title: "Templating with Pug", author: "Winston Smith", pages: 143, y...
public function createCustomer($data , $token)//pass form data and token id { $customer=Customer::create(array( "email"=>$data['email'], "description" => $data['name'], "source" => $token // obtained with Stripe.js )); return $cus...
public function addCard($cust_id, $token) { $retriveResult=Customer::retrieve($cust_id); $tokendata = Token::retrieve($token); $newcard = $tokendata['card']; $flag = 1; foreach ($retriveResult['sources']['data'] as $card) { if($card['fingerprint'] === $newcard['f...
WebDriverException is a base Selenium-WebDriver exception that could be used to catch all other Selenium-WebDriver exceptions To be able to catch exception it should be imported first: from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException as WDE and then: try: element = driver.find_el...
doctype html html(lang="en") head title= pageTitle script(type='text/javascript'). if (foo) bar(1 + 5) body h1 Pug - node template engine #container.col if youAreUsingPug p You are amazing else p Get on it! p. ...
all errors and exceptions, both custom and default, are handled by the Handler class in app/Exceptions/Handler.php with the help of two methods. report() render() public function render($request, Exception $e) { //check if exception is an instance of ModelNotFoundException. if ($e in...
First of all: operator << (leftShift) is equivalent of doLast {closure}. From gradle 3.2 it is deprecated. All the task code are writing in a build.gradle. A task represents some atomic piece of work which a build performs. This might be compiling some classes, creating a JAR, generating ...
import groovy.json.JsonOutput; def json = JsonOutput.toJson([foo: 'bar', baz: [1]]) new File("/tmp/output.json").write(json)
Download the installer for the current version of XAMPP Go through the installation wizard and change nothing if you are not sure what you are changing. After the installation you see the XAMPP control panel. Just click the start button of Apache and MySQL to run both with the basic configurati...

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