Tutorial by Examples

In spreadsheet cell A1, we have the following Arabic pangram: صِف خَلقَ خَودِ كَمِثلِ الشَمسِ إِذ بَزَغَت — يَحظى الضَجيعُ بِها نَجلاءَ مِعطارِ VBA provides the AscW and ChrW functions to work with multi-byte character codes. We can also use Byte arrays to manipulate the string variable directly: ...
VBA Identifiers (variable and function names) can use the Latin script and may also be able to use Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese scripts. The extended Latin script has full coverage for many languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Breton, Catalan, Dani...
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; $app = new \Slim\App; $app->post('/post/data', function (Request $request, Response $response, $arg){ $_input = $request->getParsedBody(); $_data_1 = $_input['name...
Detailed instructions on getting office-js set up or installed.
An image represents a rectangular grid of picture elements (pixel). In the image package, the pixel is represented as one of the color defined in image/color package. The 2-D geometry of the image is represented as image.Rectangle, while image.Point denotes a position on the grid. The above figur...
In memory, an image can be seen as a matrix of pixel (color). However, when an image being stored in a permanent storage, it may be stored as is (RAW format), Bitmap or other image formats with particular compression algorithm for saving storage space, e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc. When loading an image...
Most of image type in image package having SubImage(r Rectangle) Image method, except image.Uniform. Based on this fact, We can implement a function to crop an arbitrary image as follows func CropImage(img image.Image, cropRect image.Rectangle) (cropImg image.Image, newImg bool) { //Interface ...
Initialization of variable private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient; You must have to Write this Code in onCreate() method of all that when u put signout button. mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) .enableAutoManage(this /* FragmentActivity */, this /* OnConnectio...
int i, space, rows, k=0, count = 0, count1 = 0; row=5; for(i=1; i<=rows; ++i) { for(space=1; space <= rows-i; ++space) { printf(" "); ++count; } while(k != 2*i-1) { if (count <= rows-1) { printf("...
Firstly you need to download and install the VSCode. This VSCode latest version is available for download in its Official website . After download the VSCode you should install and open it. Introduction of Extensions in VSCode VSCode is a open editor so it provide editor for all languages but ...
VsCode is unable to create the ionic project because it is a code editor.So you can create your ionic project by CLI or cmd. create your project by below command $ ionic start appName blank Above command use to create blank template ionic application. Ionic2 provide three type of templates blank...
> Run and Debug in Chrome To run the ionic project use below command in terminal or cmd or CLI $ ionic serve For debugging the ionic project ,Firstly you should add extension (Debugger for chrome) and then configure launch.json file like this. { "version": "0...
Some digital image processing algorithm such as edge detection, information carried by the image intensity (i.e. grayscale value) is sufficient. Using color information (R, G, B channel) may provides slightly better result, but the algorithm complexity will be increased. Thus, in this case, we need ...
The arguments passed from the console can be received in the Kotlin program and it can be used as an input. You can pass N (1 2 3 and so on) numbers of arguments from the command prompt. A simple example of a command-line argument in Kotlin. fun main(args: Array<String>) { println(&qu...
The following rules define a simple strategy for creating immutable objects. Don't provide "setter" methods - methods that modify fields or objects referred to by fields. Make all fields final and private. Don't allow subclasses to override methods. The simplest way to do this is to d...
public final class Color { final private int red; final private int green; final private int blue; private void check(int red, int green, int blue) { if (red < 0 || red > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255 || blue < 0 || blue > 255) { throw ...
In this case class Point is mutable and some user can modify state of object of this class. class Point { private int x, y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int ...
The advantage of immutability comes with concurrency. It is difficult to maintain correctness in mutable objects, as multiple threads could be trying to change the state of the same object, leading to some threads seeing a different state of the same object, depending on the timing of the reads and ...
require 'date' date1 = Date.parse "01/06/2016" date2 = Date.parse "05/06/2016" p "Period #{date1.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")} to #{date2.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}" (date1..date2).each do |date| p date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") end # "...
$ provides an easy and a concise method to concatenate multiple strings. var str1 = "text1"; var str2 = " "; var str3 = "text3"; string result2 = $"{str1}{str2}{str3}"; //"text1 text3"

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