An image represents a rectangular grid of picture elements (pixel). In the image package, the pixel is represented as one of the color defined in image/color package. The 2-D geometry of the image is represented as image.Rectangle
, while image.Point
denotes a position on the grid.
The above figure illustrates the basic concepts of an image in the package. An image of size 15x14 pixels has a rectangular bounds started at upper left corner (e.g. co-ordinate (-3, -4) in the above figure), and its axes increase right and down to lower right corner (e.g. co-ordinate (12, 10) in the figure). Note that the bounds do not necessarily start from or contain point (0,0).
In Go
, an image always implement the following image.Image
type Image interface {
// ColorModel returns the Image's color model.
ColorModel() color.Model
// Bounds returns the domain for which At can return non-zero color.
// The bounds do not necessarily contain the point (0, 0).
Bounds() Rectangle
// At returns the color of the pixel at (x, y).
// At(Bounds().Min.X, Bounds().Min.Y) returns the upper-left pixel of the grid.
// At(Bounds().Max.X-1, Bounds().Max.Y-1) returns the lower-right one.
At(x, y int) color.Color
in which the color.Color
interface is defined as
type Color interface {
// RGBA returns the alpha-premultiplied red, green, blue and alpha values
// for the color. Each value ranges within [0, 0xffff], but is represented
// by a uint32 so that multiplying by a blend factor up to 0xffff will not
// overflow.
// An alpha-premultiplied color component c has been scaled by alpha (a),
// so has valid values 0 <= c <= a.
RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32)
and color.Model
is an interface declared as
type Model interface {
Convert(c Color) Color
Suppose we have an image stored as variable img
, then we can obtain the dimension and image pixel by:
// Image bounds and dimension
b := img.Bounds()
width, height := b.Dx(), b.Dy()
// do something with dimension ...
// Corner co-ordinates
top := b.Min.Y
left := b.Min.X
bottom := b.Max.Y
right := b.Max.X
// Accessing pixel. The (x,y) position must be
// started from (left, top) position not (0,0)
for y := top; y < bottom; y++ {
for x := left; x < right; x++ {
cl := img.At(x, y)
r, g, b, a := cl.RGBA()
// do something with r,g,b,a color component
Note that in the package, the value of each R,G,B,A
component is between 0-65535
(0x0000 - 0xffff
), not 0-255