Tutorial by Examples: al

It may be useful to have one catch-all view where you handle complex logic yourself based on the path. This example uses two rules: The first rule specifically catches / and the second rule catches arbitrary paths with the built-in path converter. The path converter matches any string (including sl...
An enumerations value in no way needs to be unique: #include <stdlib.h> /* for EXIT_SUCCESS */ #include <stdio.h> /* for printf() */ enum Dupes { Base, /* Takes 0 */ One, /* Takes Base + 1 */ Two, /* Takes One + 1 */ Negative = -1, AnotherZero /* Takes Negativ...
SQL Server 2008 R2 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZEABLE This isolation level is the most restrictive. It requests range locks the range of key values that are read by each statement in the transaction. This also means that INSERT statements from other transactions will be blocked if the...
CROSS APPLY enables you to "join" rows from a table with dynamically generated rows returned by some table-value function. Imagine that you have a Company table with a column that contains an array of products (ProductList column), and a function that parse these values and returns a set ...
If you store a list of tags in a row as coma separated values, STRING_SPLIT function enables you to transform list of tags into a table of values. CROSS APPLY enables you to "join" values parsed by STRING_SPLIT function with a parent row. Imagine that you have a Product table with a colu...
Detailed instructions on getting azure-active-directory set up or installed.
JSON is a popular data interchange format. The most popular JSON library for Julia is JSON.jl. To install this package, use the package manager: julia> Pkg.add("JSON") The next step is to test whether the package is working on your machine: julia> Pkg.test("JSON") I...
The JSON.json function serializes a Julia object into a Julia String containing JSON: julia> using JSON julia> JSON.json(Dict(:a => :b, :c => [1, 2, 3.0], :d => nothing)) "{\"c\":[1.0,2.0,3.0],\"a\":\"b\",\"d\":null}" julia>...
Quotes will be output as-is: echo "Some Text" "Some Text" Comment tokens are ignored: echo Hello World REM this is not a comment because it is being echoed! Hello World REM this is not a comment because it is being echoed! However, echo will still output var...
Detailed instructions on getting embedded-linux set up or installed. ARM Versatile Express Emulation On Qemu Environment Introduction: Host ubuntu :- 12.04 Linux kernel version: linux-4.4 busybox version: 1.24.0 Cross compiler tool chain: arm-2014.05-29-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux gnu...
Detailed instructions on getting glsl set up or installed.
You can have functions in the PS1 variable, just make sure to single quote it or use escape for special chars: gitPS1(){ gitps1=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*') gitps1="${gitps1:+ (${gitps1/#\* /})}" echo "$gitps1" } PS1='\u@\h:\w$(gitPS1)$ ' It will...
timeNow(){ echo "$(date +%r)" } PS1='[$(timeNow)] \u@\h:\w$ ' It will give you a prompt like this: [05:34:37 PM] user@Host:/path$ Notes: Make the changes in ~/.bashrc or /etc/bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~./profile file (depending on the OS) and save it. Run source ~/.ba...
This is how the author sets their personal PS1 variable: gitPS1(){ gitps1=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*') gitps1="${gitps1:+ (${gitps1/#\* /})}" echo "$gitps1" } #Please use the below function if you are a mac user gitPS1ForMac(){ git branch 2> ...
class ImageCreationExample { static Image createSampleImage() { // instantiate a new BufferedImage (subclass of Image) instance BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(640, 480, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); //draw something on the image paintOnI...
static void setupQualityHigh(Graphics2D g2d) { g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); // many other RenderingHints KEY/VALUE pairs to specify } ...
ps -e | less ps -e shows all the processes, its output is connected to the input of more via |, less paginates the results.
There is a mantra that some Java experts are wont to recite: "Exceptions should only be used for exceptional cases." (For example: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/184654 ) The essence of this is that is it is a bad idea (in Java) to use exceptions and exception handli...
Internal Table Declaration Based on Local Type Definition " Declaration of type TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_flightb, id TYPE fl_id, dat TYPE fl_date, seatno TYPE fl_seatno, firstname TYPE fl_fname, lastname TYPE fl_lname, fl...
Read, write and insert into internal tables with a header line: " Read from table with header (using a loop): LOOP AT i_compc_all. " Loop over table i_compc_all and assign header line CASE i_compc_all-ftype. " Read cell ftype from header line from table i_com...

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