Tutorial by Examples: al

Modules can have a special variable named __all__ to restrict what variables are imported when using from mymodule import *. Given the following module: # mymodule.py __all__ = ['imported_by_star'] imported_by_star = 42 not_imported_by_star = 21 Only imported_by_star is imported when usi...
As of Tensorflow version 1.0 installation has become much easier to perform. At minimum to install TensorFlow one needs pip installed on their machine with a python version of at least 2.7 or 3.3+. pip install --upgrade tensorflow # for Python 2.7 pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow # for ...
When working with multi-module projects, it is helpful to centralize dependencies in a single location rather than having them spread across many build files, especially for common libraries such as the Android support libraries and the Firebase libraries. One recommended way is to separate the Gra...
Detailed instructions on getting google-maps set up or installed.
virtualenv is a tool to build isolated Python environments. This program creates a folder which contains all the necessary executables to use the packages that a Python project would need. Installing the virtualenv tool This is only required once. The virtualenv program may be available through yo...
UIAlertView and UIActionSheet are Deprecated in iOS 8 and Later. So Apple introduced a new controller for AlertView and ActionSheet called UIAlertController , changing the preferredStyle, you can switch between AlertView and ActionSheet. There is no delegate method for it because all button events a...
NSDictionary *inventory = @{ @"Mercedes-Benz SLK250" : @(13), @"BMW M3 Coupe" : @(self.BMWM3CoupeInventory.count), @"Last Updated" : @"Jul 21, 2016", @"Next Update" : self.nextInventoryUpdateString };
There are a variety of ways to download and use D3. Direct Script Download Download and extract d3.zip Copy the resulting folder to where you will keep your project's dependencies Reference d3.js (for development) or d3.min.js (for production) in your HTML: <script type="text/javascri...
You can open the VB editor in any of the Microsoft Office applications by pressing Alt+F11 or going to the Developer tab and clicking on the "Visual Basic" button. If you don't see the Developer tab in the Ribbon, check if this is enabled. By default the Developer tab is disabled. To enab...
To begin using WebDriver you will need to obtain the relevant Driver from the Selenium site: Selenium HQ Downloads. From here you need to download the driver relevant to the browser(s) and/or platform(s) you are trying to run WebDriver on, e.g. if you were testing in Chrome the Selenium site will di...
The Vim on your machine—if there is one—is very likely to be a "small" build that lacks useful features like clipboard support, syntax highlighting or even the ability to use plugins. This is not a problem if all you need is a quick way to edit config files but you will soon hit a number ...
There are several ways to go about installing matplotlib, some of which will depend on the system you are using. If you are lucky, you will be able to use a package manager to easily install the matplotlib module and its dependencies. Windows On Windows machines you can try to use the pip package ...
XML is a syntax, which means a simple text editor is enough to get started. However, having an XML-specific editor that shows you when and where your document is not well-formed is almost indispensable for productivity. Such editors may also allow you to validate XML documents against an XML Schema...
To install the cordova command-line tool, follow these steps: Download and install Node.js. On installation you should be able to invoke node and npm on your command line. To see if Node is installed, open your CLI (command line interface). For Windows it's the Windows Command Prompt, for ...
On most GNU+Linux operating systems, PostgreSQL can easily be installed using the operating system package manager. Red Hat family Respositories can be found here: https://yum.postgresql.org/repopackages.php Download the repository to local machine with the command yum -y install https://downloa...
Ways to get Highcharts: Load directly from Highcharts CDN Download files from official website. Through npm; npm install highcharts Through bower; bower install highcharts To load the main library from vendor's CDN, simply add the following to your code: <script src="ht...
The JavaFX APIs are available as a fully integrated feature of the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK ). Because the JDK is available for all major desktop platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux), JavaFX applications compiled to JDK 7 and later also run on all...
Once your virtual environment has been activated, any package that you install will now be installed in the virtualenv & not globally. Hence, new packages can be without needing root privileges. To verify that the packages are being installed into the virtualenv run the following command to che...
Assuming python and python3 are both installed, it is possible to create a virtual environment for Python 3 even if python3 is not the default Python: virtualenv -p python3 foo or virtualenv --python=python3 foo or python3 -m venv foo or pyvenv foo Actually you can create virtual ...
1. Install the Ionic Framework and Cordova (since Ionic apps are based on Cordova) using npm (the Node Package Manager): Make sure you have an up-to-date version of Node.js installed on your system. If you don't have Node.js installed, you can install it from here. Also, for Mac users, having the ...

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