Tutorial by Examples: ase

Assume having a method returning IEnumerable<T>, f.e. private IEnumerable<T> GetData() { try { // return results from database } catch(Exception exception) { throw; } } Creates an Observable and starts a method asynchronously. Sel...
<?php //Create a new SQLite3 object from a database file on the server. $database = new SQLite3('mysqlitedb.db'); //Query the database with SQL $results = $database->query('SELECT bar FROM foo'); //Iterate through all of the results, var_dumping them onto the page while ($row = $resu...
[root@localhost ~]# docker run -it -v /etc:/etc1 8251da35e7a7 /bin/bash Here: /etc is host machine directory and /etc1 is the target inside container
Many databases can be used in Weka. Firstly, the DatabaseUtils.props file must be edited to match your database; specifically you must provide your database's name, location, port and correct driver. jdbcDriver=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver jdbcURL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database Then the dat...
Attribute Image capitalizes all characters of enumeration literals. The function Case_Rule_For_Names applies upper case for the first character and makes the rest lower case. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; with Ada.Strings.Fixed...
A test case or test script is a more or less formal description of the actions needed to prove that a requirement is met. It has a descriptive title, may start off with some preparation and ends with an expected result. Usually the test cases for a system under test are organised into test suites. ...
type Meter = Double This simple approach has serious drawbacks for unit handling as every other type that is a Double will be compatible with it: type Second = Double var length: Meter = 3 val duration: Second = 1 length = duration length = 0d All of the above compiles, so in this case un...
h = 1.0 / n; #pragma omp parallel for private(x) shared(n, h, area) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { x = h * (i - 0.5); #pragma omp critical { area += (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x)); } } pi = h * area; In this example, each threads execute a subset of the iteration count and they accumul...
h = 1.0 / n; #pragma omp parallel for private(x) shared(n, h, area) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { x = h * (i - 0.5); #pragma atomic area += (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x)); } pi = h * area; In this example, each threads execute a subset of the iteration count and they accumulate atomically int...
DirectiveDefaultContextDescriptionRewriteBaseNoneDirectory, .htaccessSets base URL for per directory rewriteRewriteEngineoffeverywhereEnable or disable runtime rewrite engine RewriteBase The directive specifies URL prefix to be used for substituting relative paths. RewriteEngine The directive, i...
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev on an x86_64 Ubuntu system, this installs libpng version 1.2.x in libpng12.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0
CREATE DATABASE SAMPLEDB; This will create a new database called sampledb.
CONNECT TO SAMPLEDB; From the command line (db2clp, terminal, db2cmd) you can write: db2 CONNECT TO SAMPLEDB
angular.module("app") .service("counterService", ["fooService", "barService", function(anotherService, barService){ var service = { number: 0, foo: function () { return fooService.bazMethod(); // Use of 'fooService' ...
When your Bluetooth LE Watcher's callback is triggered, the eventArgs include an RSSI value telling you the received signal strength (how strong the private async void OnAdvertisementReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs eventArgs) { // Th...
QRCodeReaderView implements an Android view which show camera and notify when there's a QR code inside the preview. It uses the zxing open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library. Adding the library to your project Add QRCodeReaderView dependency to your build.gradle dependen...
Here the steps required to create a Firebase project and to connect with an Android app. Add Firebase to your app Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console and click Create New Project. Click Add Firebase to your Android app and follow the setup steps. When prompted, enter yo...
The most common and flexible way to create a service uses the angular.module API factory: angular.module('myApp.services', []).factory('githubService', function() { var serviceInstance = {}; // Our first service return serviceInstance; }); The service factory function can be ...
String base64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Turn the serial protocol ON Serial.println("Start Typing"); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if data has bee...

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