Tutorial by Examples: c

SELECT PhoneNumber, Email, PreferredContact FROM Customers This statement will return the columns PhoneNumber, Email, and PreferredContact from all rows of the Customers table. Also the columns will be returned in the sequence in which they appear in the SELECT clause. The re...
Definition: In computing, an event is an action or occurrence recognized by software that may be handled by the software. Computer events can be generated or triggered by the system, by the user or in other ways. Definition Source HTML events are "things" that happen to HTML ele...
One of the most commonly used events is waiting for the document to have loaded, including both script files and images. The load event on document is used for this. document.addEventListener('load', function() { console.log("Everything has now loaded!"); }); Sometimes you try to ...
A hash in Ruby is an object that implements a hash table, mapping keys to values. Ruby supports a specific literal syntax for defining hashes using {}: my_hash = {} # an empty hash grades = { 'Mark' => 15, 'Jimmy' => 10, 'Jack' => 10 } A hash can also be created using the standard new...
Individual values of a hash are read and written using the [] and []= methods: my_hash = { length: 4, width: 5 } my_hash[:length] #=> => 4 my_hash[:height] = 9 my_hash #=> {:length => 4, :width => 5, :height => 9 } By default, accessing a key which has not been added t...
For any iterable (for eg. a string, list, etc), Python allows you to slice and return a substring or sublist of its data. Format for slicing: iterable_name[start:stop:step] where, start is the first index of the slice. Defaults to 0 (the index of the first element) stop one past the last in...
A quick way to make a copy of an array (as opposed to assigning a variable with another reference to the original array) is: arr[:] Let's examine the syntax. [:] means that start, end, and slice are all omitted. They default to 0, len(arr), and 1, respectively, meaning that subarray that we are ...
You can use slices to very easily reverse a str, list, or tuple (or basically any collection object that implements slicing with the step parameter). Here is an example of reversing a string, although this applies equally to the other types listed above: s = 'reverse me!' s[::-1] # '!em esrever...
When the commits on two branches don't conflict, Git can automatically merge them: ~/Stack Overflow(branch:master) » git merge another_branch Auto-merging file_a Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. file_a | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
The next() built-in is a convenient wrapper which can be used to receive a value from any iterator (including a generator iterator) and to provide a default value in case the iterator is exhausted. def nums(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 generator = nums() next(generator, None) # 1 ...
In addition to receiving values from a generator, it is possible to send an object to a generator using the send() method. def accumulator(): total = 0 value = None while True: # receive sent value value = yield total if value is None: break # aggr...
Generator expressions are similar to list, dictionary and set comprehensions, but are enclosed with parentheses. The parentheses do not have to be present when they are used as the sole argument for a function call. expression = (x**2 for x in range(10)) This example generates the 10 first perfe...
The background-color property sets the background color of an element using a color value or through keywords, such as transparent, inherit or initial. transparent, specifies that the background color should be transparent. This is default. inherit, inherits this property from its parent e...
Jsoup can be be used to easily extract all links from a webpage. In this case, we can use Jsoup to extract only specific links we want, here, ones in a h3 header on a page. We can also get the text of the links. Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://stackoverflow.com").userAgent("Mozi...
CSS transforms are based on the size of the elements so if you don't know how tall or wide your element is, you can position it absolutely 50% from the top and left of a relative container and translate it by 50% left and upwards to center it vertically and horizontally. Keep in mind that with this...
a, b = 1, 2 # Using the "-" operator: b - a # = 1 import operator # contains 2 argument arithmetic functions operator.sub(b, a) # = 1 Possible combinations (builtin types): int and int (gives an int) int and float (gives a float) int and comp...
a, b = 2, 3 a * b # = 6 import operator operator.mul(a, b) # = 6 Possible combinations (builtin types): int and int (gives an int) int and float (gives a float) int and complex (gives a complex) float and float (gives a float) float and complex (gives a comple...
A practical use case of a generator is to iterate through values of an infinite series. Here's an example of finding the first ten terms of the Fibonacci Sequence. def fib(a=0, b=1): """Generator that yields Fibonacci numbers. `a` and `b` are the seed values""" ...
When you clone a repository that uses submodules, you'll need to initialize and update them. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/username/repo.git This will clone the referenced submodules and place them in the appropriate folders (including submodules within submodules). This is equivale...
Anchors can be used to jump to specific tags on an HTML page. The <a> tag can point to any element that has an id attribute. To learn more about IDs, visit the documentation about Classes and IDs. Anchors are mostly used to jump to a subsection of a page and are used in conjunction with header...

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