Tutorial by Examples: ee

To view difference between two branch git diff <branch1>..<branch2> To view difference between two branch git diff <commitId1>..<commitId2> To view diff with current branch git diff <branch/commitId> To view summary of changes git diff --stat <branch/com...
This example adds a new rectangle to the canvas every 1 second (== a 1 second interval) Annotated Code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> body{ background-color:white; } #canvas{border:1px solid red; } </style> <script> window.onload=(functio...
Pair allows us to treat two objects as one object. Pairs can be easily constructed with the help of template function std::make_pair. Alternative way is to create pair and assign its elements (first and second) later. #include <iostream> #include <utility> int main() { std::p...
in styles.xml add your custom style: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Light.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"> </style> </resources> Create your custom...
UISplitViewController needs to the root view controller of your app’s window AppDelegate.m - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] self.window.ba...
In simple terms: UNION joins 2 result sets while removing duplicates from the result set UNION ALL joins 2 result sets without attempting to remove duplicates One mistake many people make is to use a UNION when they do not need to have the duplicates removed. The additional performance cost...
QModelIndex does not actually know about it's parent/child indexes, it only contains a row, a column and a pointer, and it is the models responsibility to use this data to provide information an index's relations. The model therefore needs to do a lot of conversions from the void* stored inside the ...
The elapsedMillis library provides a class with the same name that keeps track of the time that passed since it was created or set to a certain value: #include <elapsedMillis.h> #define OUTPIN LED_BUILTIN #define PERIOD 500 elapsedMillis ledTime; bool ledState = false; void setup...
Pattern matching can be used effectively with awk as it controls the actions that follows it i.e. { pattern } { action }. One cool use of the pattern-matching is to select multiple between two patterns in a file say patternA and patternB $ awk '/patternA/,/patternB/' file Assume my file contents...
Mouse movement: import java.awt.Robot; public class MouseClass { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); // SET THE MOUSE X Y POSITION robot.mouseMove(300, 550); } } Press left/right button of mouse: import java.awt....
When you need a Python list object, you can utilize the tolist() method to convert your array to a list. my_array = array('i', [1,2,3,4,5]) c = my_array.tolist() # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A Syntax Tree is an immutable data structure representing the program as a tree of names, commands and marks (as previously configured in the editor.) For example, assume a Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilation instance named compilation has been configured. There are multiple ways to list the names o...
In some places in Common Lisp, a series of forms are evaluated in order. For instance, in the body of a defun or lambda, or the body of a dotimes. In those cases, writing multiple forms in order works as expected. In a few places, however, such as the then and else parts of an if expressions, onl...
Every Windows Phone project contains App.cs class: public sealed partial class App : Application This class is your global application context. General Application class usage: App entry point, particularly for various activation contracts. Application lifecycle management. Application g...
You can check if a variable has been defined in a scope by using ColdFusion's built in StructKeyExists() function. This can be used inside a <cfif> tag to prevent error messages in the event you attempt to refer to a variable that does not exist. You can also use this function to determine whe...
This code sends a simple text-only email to [email protected] EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'The Profile Name', @recipients = '[email protected]', @body = 'This is a simple email sent from SQL Server.', @subject = 'Simple email'
The IEnumerable<T> interface is the base interface for all generic enumerators and is a quintessential part of understanding LINQ. At its core, it represents the sequence. This underlying interface is inherited by all of the generic collections, such as Collection<T>, Array, List<T&g...
To create seeders, you may use the make:seeder Artisan command. All seeders generated will be placed in the database/seeds directory. $ php artisan make:seeder MoviesTableSeeder Generated seeders will contain one method: run. You may insert data into your database in this method. <?php us...
import xlsxwriter # sample data chart_data = [ {'name': 'Lorem', 'value': 23}, {'name': 'Ipsum', 'value': 48}, {'name': 'Dolor', 'value': 15}, {'name': 'Sit', 'value': 8}, {'name': 'Amet', 'value': 32} ] # excel file path xls_file = 'chart.xlsx' # the workbook w...
Resolving scoped services during application startup can be difficult, because there is no request and hence no scoped service. Resolving a scoped service during application startup via app.ApplicationServices.GetService<AppDbContext>() can cause issues, because it will be created in the sc...

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