Tutorial by Examples: al

<View style={[(this.props.isTrue) ? styles.bgcolorBlack : styles.bgColorWhite]}> If the value of isTrue is true then it will have black background color otherwise white.
<Image style={[this.props.imageStyle]} source={this.props.imagePath ? this.props.imagePath : require('../theme/images/resource.png')} /> If the path is available in imagePath then it will be assigned to source else the default image path will be assigned.
Installation pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy Simple Model class User(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(80)) email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True) The code example above shows a simple Flask-SQLAlchemy model, we can add an ...
Detailed instructions on getting prism set up or installed.
My laptop is having Windows 10. Here i am giving steps that you can follow to test and learn Ansible. SOME THEORY For Ansible you need a Control Machine and a host(or hosts) to run the Playbook. Control Machine should be Linux based or MacOS(windows not allowed) and need Python (2.6 or higher v...
Detailed instructions on getting freemarker set up or installed.
All of the other buttons you can create, are buttons that link to a GitHub repository and prompts the user to complete a certain action. These buttons can do actions such as: Watch a repository Star a repository Fork a repository Download a repository List an Issue with a repository Here's...
npm init This will initialize a new NPM project for you - just press enter until it stops asking you questions. Now you'll notice that you have a new file called package.json. This file will, among other things, keep track of which packages or modules you've installed in your project.
Detailed instructions on getting join set up or installed.
The following command displays output only on the screen (stdout). $ ls The following command writes the output only to the file and not to the screen. $ ls > file The following command (with the help of tee command) writes the output both to the screen (stdout) and to the file. $ ls | ...
A HandlerThread can be used to start a thread with a Looper. This looper then can be used to create a Handler for communications with it. HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("thread-name"); thread.start(); Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper());
Detailed instructions on getting graphviz set up or installed.
There are many ways to use MaterializeCSS framework. Few things to keep in mind before going to installation It is not a CSS only framwork, though it has CSS name in it. We can use its SCSS too It is not built for Angular It is a component framework too built on jquery. Though we are not supp...
docker-composer.yml web: ... env_file: - ./filename filename variable=value
Locate and open your TIBCO BW bwengine.tra file typlically under TIBCO_HOME/bw/5.12/bin/bwengine.tra (Linux environment) Look for the line that states: *** Common variables. Modify these only. *** Add the following line right after that section tibco.deployment=%tibco.deployment% ...
A minimal setup for camera output preview (Swift 2, Swift 3) import UIKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController { var session: AVCaptureSession? var cameraPreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ...
Valgrind provides you with the lines at which the error occurred at the end of each line in the format (file.c:line_no). Errors in valgrind are summarised in the following way: ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) The most common errors include: Illegal read/write er...
One can use the following methods in order to import a Mercurial Repo into Git: Using fast export: cd git clone git://repo.or.cz/fast-export.git git init git_repo cd git_repo ~/fast-export/hg-fast-export.sh -r /path/to/old/mercurial_repo git checkout HEAD Using Hg-Git: A very deta...
Detailed instructions on getting nfc set up or installed.

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