Tutorial by Examples: al

Swift textView.textAlignment = .left Objective-C textView.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
Sqoop ships as one binary package however it’s compound from two separate parts client and server. You need to install server on single node in your cluster. This node will then serve as an entry point for all connecting Sqoop clients. Server acts as a mapreduce client and therefore Hadoop must b...
Write the following command in your terminal: adb install [-rtsdg] <file> Note that you have to pass a file that is on your computer and not on your device. If you append -r at the end, then any existing conflicting apks will be overwritten. Otherwise, the command will quit with an error....
Write the following command in your terminal to uninstall an app with a provided package name: adb uninstall <packagename>
Prerequisites To run the Play framework, you need Java 6 or later. If you wish to build Play from source, you will need the Git source control client to fetch the source code and Ant to build it. Be sure to have Java in the current path (enter java --version to check) Play will use the default Ja...
Units of measure are additional type annotations that can be added to floats or integers. They can be used to verify at compile time that calculations are using units consistently. To define annotations: [<Measure>] type m // meters [<Measure>] type s // seconds [<Measure>] typ...
Detailed instructions on getting asp.net-web-api set up or installed.
Payments Table CustomerPayment_typeAmountPeterCredit100PeterCredit300JohnCredit1000JohnDebit500 select customer, sum(case when payment_type = 'credit' then amount else 0 end) as credit, sum(case when payment_type = 'debit' then amount else 0 end) as debit from payments group by ...
Doctrine 2 is easy to install via composer composer require doctrine/orm but it can also be downloaded from http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/orm.html or from its GitHub project page.
ActionScript 3 can be used by installing the Adobe AIR SDK or Apache Flex SDK or as part Adobe's Animate CC product (formerly known as Flash Professional). Adobe Animate CC is a professional software solution that can be used to create AS3 projects using visual tools - once installed, no further st...
A command shell is a command line interface computer program to an operating system. Some Variants 1. Bash : Comes as default shell on ubuntu 2. KornShell(ksh) : To install ksh in Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install ksh To start working with ksh $ ksh $ ps $$ PID TTY STAT ...
Detailed instructions on getting UWP set up or installed. Requirements Windows 10 Visual Studio 2015 Steps Download and custom install Visual Studio 2015, while making sure that Universal Windows App Development Toolsis selected along with its sub options:- a) Tools and Windows SDK b...
Hash has a default value for keys that are requested but don't exist (nil): a = {} p a[ :b ] # => nil When creating a new Hash, one can specify the default: b = Hash.new 'puppy' p b[ :b ] # => 'puppy' Hash.new also takes a block, which allows you to automatically create n...
var object = { key1: 10, key2: 3, key3: 40, key4: 20 }; var array = []; for(var people in object) { array.push([people, object[people]]); } Now array is [ ["key1", 10], ["key2", 3], ["key3", 40], ["key4", 20] ] ...
Given the following array var array = [ ["key1", 10], ["key2", 3], ["key3", 40], ["key4", 20] ]; You can sort it sort it by number(second index) array.sort(function(a, b) { return a[1] - b[1]; }) 6 array.sort((a,b) => a[1] - b[1]);...
For security reasons, PowerShell is set up by default to only allow signed scripts to execute. Executing the following command will allow you to run unsigned scripts (you must run PowerShell as Administrator to do this). Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Another way to run PowerShell scripts is t...
-and # Logical and -or # Logical or -xor # Logical exclusive or -not # Logical not ! # Logical not
class Animal def method_missing(method, *args, &block) "Cannot call #{method} on Animal" end end => Animal.new.say_moo > "Cannot call say_moo on Animal"
Python 2.x2.6 The format() method can be used to change the alignment of the string. You have to do it with a format expression of the form :[fill_char][align_operator][width] where align_operator is one of: < forces the field to be left-aligned within width. > forces the field to be righ...
Arrays can have the allocatable attribute: ! One dimensional allocatable array integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: foo ! Two dimensional allocatable array real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: bar This declares the variable but does not allocate any space for it. ! We can specify the bounds...

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