Tutorial by Examples: ee

In order to compile docker its recommended you have at least 2 GB RAM. Even with that it fails sometimes so its better to go for 4GB instead. make sure git and make is installed sudo apt-get install make git-core -y install a new kernel (at least 4.2) sudo apt-get install linux-generic...
function getSheetData() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process var numRows = 100; // Number of rows to process var startCol = 1; //First column of data to process var numCols = 15; // Number of columns to process ...
Given - A have sheet of employees who have requested for reimbursement. Requirement - We should sent out an email to the employee when their reimbursement is processed So, the sheet is as follows: The function for sending out an email is as follows: function getDataSheet() { sheet = Sprea...
Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its DateTime equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. Convert a specific format string to equivalent DateTime Le...
The loop macro supports iteration over the keys, the values, or the keys and values of a hash table. The following examples show possibilities, but the full loop syntax allows more combinations and variants. Over keys and values (let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 'a ht) 1 (g...
The keys and values of a hash table can be iterated over using the macro with-hash-table-iterator. This may be a bit more complex than maphash or loop, but it could be used to implement the iteration constructs used in those methods. with-hash-table-iterator takes a name and a hash table and binds...
To check if a value exits in a WeakSet, use the .has() method. const obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}; const weakset = new WeakSet([obj1]); console.log(weakset.has(obj1)); // true console.log(weakset.has(obj2)); // false
SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope. A scope is a module: a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Therefore, two statements are in the same scope if they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch. INSERT INTO ([col...
Same as above in the FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROM <start_date_time>TO <end_date_time> description, except the table of rows returned includes rows that became active on the upper boundary defined by the <end_date_time> endpoint. SELECT * FROM Employee FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN '201...
Let's assume that we have one row in Company table with companyId 1. We can insert row in employee table that has companyId 1: insert into Employee values (17, 'John', 1) However, we cannot insert employee that has non-existing CompanyId: insert into Employee values (17, 'John', 111111) Msg ...
Edit Mercurial.ini (Windows) or .hgrc (Linux/OSX): [extenstions] mq =
The wheel collider inside unity is built upon Nvidia's PhysX wheel collider, and therefore shares many similar properties. Technically unity is a "unitless" program, but to make everything make sense, some standard units are required. Basic Properties Mass - the weight of the wheel in ...
We're going to use the expression tree API to create a CalculateSalesTax tree. In plain English, here's a summary of the steps it takes to create the tree. Check if the product is taxable If it is, multiply the line total by the applicable tax rate and return that amount Otherwise return 0 ...
In this example, a destructor is explicitly invoked for an object that will later be automatically destroyed. struct S { ~S() { std::cout << "destroying S\n"; } }; int main() { S s; s.~S(); } // UB: s destroyed a second time here A similar issue occurs when a st...
Text is saved encoded (see also Strings topic) then sometimes you may need to change its encoding, this example assumes (for simplicity) that file is not too big and it can be entirely read in memory: public static void ConvertEncoding(string path, Encoding from, Encoding to) { File.WriteAllT...
First you need to load the email library. Do this either in the controller file that will be sending the email: $this->load->library('email'); Or load it globally in the autoload.php file in the config folder: $autoload['libraries'] = array('email'); While you're there, you may want t...
To Illustrate the MERGE Statement, consider the following two tables - dbo.Product : This table contains information about the product that company is currently selling dbo.ProductNew: This table contains information about the product that the company will sell in the future. The foll...
// 1. Base example not using language support for covariance, dynamic type checking. class Top { public: virtual Top* clone() const = 0; virtual ~Top() = default; // Necessary for `delete` via Top*. }; class D : public Top { public: Top* clone() const override ...
// 2. Covariant result version of the base example, static type checking. class Top { public: virtual Top* clone() const = 0; virtual ~Top() = default; // Necessary for `delete` via Top*. }; class D : public Top { public: D* /* ← Covariant return */ clone() const over...
Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its DateTime equivalent using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. The method returns a value that indicates whether th...

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