Tutorial by Examples: al

LibGDX has a fairly simple setup, with the help of a simple Java program. You can find the download here. When you startup the application, it will look something like this: Note: This screenshot have been taken on Linux and shows path that differs from a Windows installation. However, the form is...
Assuming that bar is an alias for someCommand -flag1. Type bar on the command line and then press Ctrl+alt+e you'll get someCommand -flag1 where bar was standing.
Imports System.IO Dim filename As String = "c:\path\to\file.txt" File.WriteAllText(filename, "Text to write" & vbCrLf)
using System.IO; using System.Text; string filename = "c:\path\to\file.txt"; File.writeAllText(filename, "Text to write\n");
For if you have to fine-tune what is published. import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { Random } from 'meteor/random'; if (Meteor.isClient) { // established this collection on the client only. // a name is required (first parameter) and this...
Swift 3 let stackView = UIStackView() stackView.axis = .horizontal stackView.alignment = .fill // .leading .firstBaseline .center .trailing .lastBaseline stackView.distribution = .fill // .fillEqually .fillProportionally .equalSpacing .equalCentering let label = UILabel() label.text = "...
Swift let stackView = UIStackView() stackView.axis = .Vertical stackView.alignment = .Fill // .Leading .FirstBaseline .Center .Trailing .LastBaseline stackView.distribution = .Fill // .FillEqually .FillProportionally .EqualSpacing .EqualCentering let label = UILabel(frame: CGRectZero) label....
The simplest use case is using the subprocess.call function. It accepts a list as the first argument. The first item in the list should be the external application you want to call. The other items in the list are arguments that will be passed to that application. subprocess.call([r'C:\path\to\a...
For cases when we don't want to write special classes to handle some resource, we may write a generic class: template<typename Function> class Finally final { public: explicit Finally(Function f) : f(std::move(f)) {} ~Finally() { f(); } // (1) See below Finally(const Final...
let string1 = "Hello" //simple string let string2 = "Line\nNewLine" //string with newline escape sequence let string3 = @"Line\nSameLine" //use @ to create a verbatim string literal let string4 = @"Line""with""quoutes inside" //dou...
Each enum class contains an implicit static method named values(). This method returns an array containing all values of that enum. You can use this method to iterate over the values. It is important to note however that this method returns a new array every time it is called. public enum Day { ...
package main import ( "log" "text/template" "os" ) type Person struct{ MyName string MyAge int } var myTempContents string= ` This person's name is : {{.MyName}} And he is {{.MyAge}} years old. ` func main() { t,err := temp...
Cloning a huge repository (like a project with multiple years of history) might take a long time, or fail because of the amount of data to be transferred. In cases where you don't need to have the full history available, you can do a shallow clone: git clone [repo_url] --depth 1 The above comman...
__call() and __callStatic() are called when somebody is calling nonexistent object method in object or static context. class Foo { /** * This method will be called when somebody will try to invoke a method in object * context, which does not exist, like: * * $foo->...
With Blade, you can also include partial views (called 'partials') directly into a page like so: @include('includes.info', ['title' => 'Information Station']) The code above will include the view at 'views/includes/info.blade.php'. It will also pass in a variable $title having value 'Informat...
Just add the using at the beginning and the [WebMethod] decorator to the static method to be called in the aspx page: using System.Web.Services; public partial class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page { [WebMethod] public static int GetRandomNumberLessThan(int limit) { var r = ...
If you want to cancel an alarm, and you don't have a reference to the original PendingIntent used to set the alarm, you need to recreate a PendingIntent exactly as it was when it was originally created. An Intent is considered equal by the AlarmManager: if their action, data, type, class, and ca...
An algorithmic problem is specified by describing the complete set of instances it must work on and of its output after running on one of these instances. This distinction, between a problem and an instance of a problem, is fundamental. The algorithmic problem known as sorting is defined as follows:...
__CLASS__ magic constant returns the same result as get_class() function called without parameters and they both return the name of the class where it was defined (i.e. where you wrote the function call/constant name ). In contrast, get_class($this) and get_called_class() functions call, will both ...
int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 10, 20, 30}; // Get Console.WriteLine(arr[2]); // 20 // Set arr[2] = 100; // Get the updated value Console.WriteLine(arr[2]); // 100

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