Tutorial by Examples: c

Create Dynamic Web project, provide following information's as stated below Project name : DemoSpringMVCProject Target runtime : set as Apache Tomcat v7.0 server Click on finish, successfully we have created dynamic web project. Now we have to setup Spring-MVC framework : Create web.xml...
SoundEffect.Play() plays the sound effect in a "fire-and-forget" fashion. The sound plays once and its lifetime is managed by the framework. You are not able to change the properties (volume, pan, pitch) of the sound during playback, loop it, position it in 3D or pause it. You can hold a ...
This is a relatively common mistake: You created an rect element, in a bar chart for instance, and you want to add a text label (let's say, the value of that bar). So, using the same variable that you used to append the rect and define its x and y position, you append your text element. Very logic, ...
Tensorflow works on principle of dataflow graphs. To perform some computation there are two steps: Represent the computation as a graph. Execute the graph. Representation: Like any directed graph a Tensorflow graph consists of nodes and directional edges. Node: A Node is also called an Op(s...
$ pwd /home/bob/somedir1/somedir2/somedir3 $ pushd /home/bob/otherdir1/otherdir2 /home/bob/otherdir1/otherdir2 /home/bob/somedir1/somedir2/somedir3 $ popd /home/bob/somedir1/somedir2/somedir3 $ pushd /usr /usr /home/bob/somedir1/somedir2/somedir3 $ pushd /var /var /usr /home/bob/som...
Arrow is, vaguely speaking, the class of morphisms that compose like functions, with both serial composition and “parallel composition”. While it is most interesting as a generalisation of functions, the Arrow (->) instance itself is already quite useful. For instance, the following function: sp...
The value of a type hole can simply said to be undefined, although a typed hole triggers a compile-time error, so it is not strictly necessary to assign it a value. However, a typed hole (when they are enabled) produces a compile time error (or warning with deferred type errors) which states the nam...
In this question, @Viclib asked about using rewrite rules to exploit typeclass laws to eliminate some overloaded function calls: Mind the following class: class ListIsomorphic l where toList :: l a -> [a] fromList :: [a] -> l a I also demand that toList . fromList == id. H...
To create seeders, you may use the make:seeder Artisan command. All seeders generated will be placed in the database/seeds directory. $ php artisan make:seeder MoviesTableSeeder Generated seeders will contain one method: run. You may insert data into your database in this method. <?php us...
The date is updated whenever user types on the input field: Bean.java @ManagedBean @ViewScoped public class Bean { public Date getCurrentDate(){ return new Date(); } } sample.xhtml <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://x...
1. Switch to a frame by Index. Here we are switching to index 1. Index refers to the order of frames on the page. This should be used as a last resort, as frame id or names are much more reliable. driver.SwitchTo().Frame(1); 2. Switch to a frame by Name driver.SwitchTo().Frame("Name_Of_Fr...
Some devices connected through a serial port send data to your program at a constant rate (streaming data) or send data at unpredictable intervals. You can configure the serial port to execute a function automatically to handle data whenever it arrives. This is called the "callback function&quo...
Set a convenience method in your base model namespace Base; class Model extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { public function sanitize($attr, $filterName) { $filter = $this->getDI()->get('filter'); $this->$attr = $filter->sanitize($this->$attr, $filterName); ...
Scala has a powerful type-inference mechanism built-in to the language. This mechanism is termed as 'Local Type Inference': val i = 1 + 2 // the type of i is Int val s = "I am a String" // the type of s is String def squared(x : Int) = x*x // the return type ...
The Scala compiler can also deduce type parameters when polymorphic methods are called, or when generic classes are instantiated: case class InferedPair[A, B](a: A, b: B) val pairFirstInst = InferedPair("Husband", "Wife") //type is InferedPair[String, String] // Equiv...
There are scenarios in which Scala type-inference does not work. For instance, the compiler cannot infer the type of method parameters: def add(a, b) = a + b // Does not compile def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b // Compiles def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b // Equivalent expression, compiles ...
#include <SPI.h> #define CSPIN 1 void setup() { pinMode(CSPIN, OUTPUT); // init chip select pin as an output digitalWrite(CSPIN, 1); // most slaves interpret a high level on CS as "deasserted" SPI.begin(); SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MO...
#include <Servo.h> Servo srv; void setup() { srv.attach(9); // Attach to the servo on pin 9 } To use a servo, you need to call attach() function first. It starts generating a PWM signal controlling a servo on a specified pin. On boards other than Arduino Mega, use of Servo lib...
Here are some example on how to add new filters/functions to twig,the synax for adding Twig_Functions are the same as the Twig_Filter ones, just change the keywords accordingly <?php $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader); /* You can chain a global function */ $twig->addFilter(ne...
You can group all your custom functions/filters/tests/... inside a custom Twig_Extension class: ProjectTwigExtension class ProjectTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension { public function getFunctions() { return array( new Twig_SimpleFunction('twig_function_name', array($...

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