Tutorial by Examples: c

A locator in Protractor is used to perform action on HTML dom elements. The most common and best locators used in Protractor are css, id, model and binding. For example commonly used locators are: by.css('css-selector') by.id('id')
You can use Modules to build more complex classes through composition. The include ModuleName directive incorporates a module's methods into a class. module Foo def foo_method puts 'foo_method called!' end end module Bar def bar_method puts 'bar_method called!' end end ...
A link to any text by using typolink object lib.link = TEXT lib.link { value = Here is link text typolink { #You can give page uid or any external url here parameter = http://www.example.com/ #Target of link extTarget = _blank ...
Vectors can be used as a 2D matrix by defining them as a vector of vectors. A matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns with each cell initialised as 0 can be defined as: std::vector<std::vector<int> > matrix(3, std::vector<int>(4)); C++11 The syntax for initializing them using initia...
When creating a UIView subclass, intrinsic content size helps to avoid setting hardcoded height and width constraints a basic glimpse into how a class can utilize this class ImageView: UIView { var image: UIImage { didSet { invalidateIntrinsicContentSize() } ...
CREATE TABLE new_table_name LIKE existing_table_name;
What you need is to get an entitlements file so the app can access your iCloud and write records using CloudKit. Follow the steps to grant access to iCloud from your app: 1- Select the project in the Project Navigator, and then open the General tab. 2- In the Identity section, set your developer ...
All the records create using CloudKit-related code can be previewed, edited and even removed in CloudKit Dashboard. To access CloudKit Dashboard, go here. There are several parts in the dashboard: Record Types (which will be discussed later) Security Roles (which is where you can set databases ...
To save date to CloudKit, we must make: A CKRecordID (the key of your unique record) A CKRecord (which includes data) Making a record key To ensure that every new record identifier is unique, we use the current timestamp, which is unique. We get the timestamp using NSDate's method timeInter...
HTML <div> This div is too small to display its contents to display the effects of the overflow property. </div> CSS div { width:100px; height:100px; overflow:scroll; } Result The content above is clipped in a 100px by 100px box, with scrolling available ...
If static_cast is used to convert a pointer (resp. reference) to base class to a pointer (resp. reference) to derived class, but the operand does not point (resp. refer) to an object of the derived class type, the behavior is undefined. See Base to derived conversion.
If you look for the help section of | or bar : :h bar you can see: bar | To screen column [count] in the current line. exclusive motion. Ceci n'est pas une pipe. This is a reference to the painti...
if ([[dataObject objectForKey:@"yourVariable"] isEqualToString:"Hello World"]) { return YES; } else { return NO; } You can query values stored using KVC quickly and easily, without needing to retrieve or cast these as local variables.
This method allows a command to be sent to Cmd.exe, and returns the standard output (including standard error) as a string: private static string SendCommand(string command) { var cmdOut = string.Empty; var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", command) { ...
C++14 C++14 allows to use auto in lambda argument auto print = [](const auto& arg) { std::cout << arg << std::endl; }; print(42); print("hello world"); That lambda is mostly equivalent to struct lambda { template <typename T> auto operator ()(const...
Following are the page life cycle events: PreInit - PreInit is the first event in page life cycle. It checks the IsPostBack property and determines whether the page is a postback. It sets the themes and master pages, creates dynamic controls, and gets and sets profile property values. This event ca...
using System; namespace myProject { public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { public string PageSteps = string.Empty; //Raised after the start stage is complete and before the initialization stage begins. protected void Page_PreInit(object sender...
To create a UDF, we need to extend UDF (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF) class and implement evaluate method. Once UDF is complied and JAR is build, we need to add jar to hive context to create a temporary/permanent function. import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF; class UDFExample ex...
Given a Day, we can perform simple arithmetic and comparisons, such as adding: import Data.Time addDays 1 (fromGregorian 2000 1 1) -- 2000-01-02 addDays 1 (fromGregorian 2000 12 31) -- 2001-01-01 Subtract: addDays (-1) (fromGregorian 2000 1 1) -- 1999-12-31 addDays (-1) (fromGregorian...
[footag foo="value of 1" attribute-2="value of 2"] In wordpress admin we use pre defined shortcodes by writing the shortcode name inside square brackets and optionally adding attributes to it separating by space.

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