Tutorial by Examples: ee

Linux distribution with features required to run Kodi.
Currently (as of version 2.11.0) there is no built-in functionality to move an already existing worktree. This is listed as an official bug (see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree#_bugs). To get around this limitation it is possible to perform manual operations directly in the .git reference fil...
If exist "C:\Foo\Bar.baz" ( Echo File exist ) This checks if the file C:\Foo\Bar.baz's existence. If this exist, it echos File exist The Not operator can also be added.
If Defined Foo ( Echo Foo is defined ) This would check if a variable is defined or not. Again, the Not operator can be used.
Bullet This one particularly blew my mind. The bullet gem helps you kill all the N+1 queries, as well as unnecessarily eager loaded relations. Once you install it and start visiting various routes in development, alert boxes with warnings indicating database queries that need to be optimized will p...
Typically we represent an anary tree (one with potentially unlimited children per node) as a binary tree, (one with exactly two children per node). The "next" child is regarded as a sibling. Note that if a tree is binary, this representation creates extra nodes. We then iterate over the s...
In order to keep track of your projects' file structure, Atom, like many text editors and IDEs, uses a file tree model. These trees show the locations and names of your files and directory. To toggle the tree between visible and hidden, the keys Ctrl+\ may be used (⌘+\ for Mac OS). This tree also in...
const { remote } = require("electron"); // <- The Node.js require() function is // added to JavaScript by electron function fullscreen(f) { // p = false or true const currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.maximize(); } ...
function Add { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [int] $x , [int] $y ) return $x + $y } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add This is a simple example of what a PowerShell script module file might look like. This file would be called MyCoolModule.psm1, and is referenced from the mod...
Example: s = "Hello" # s is a string Then we find out something about s. Lets begin: So you want to know what is the class of s at run time? irb(main):055:0* s.class => String Ohh, good. But what are the methods of s? irb(main):002:0> s.methods => [:unicode_normalize,...
StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder() .detectDiskWrites() .penaltyLog() //Logs a message to LogCat .build())
The EntityDamage event is thrown when an Entity is damaged. EntityDamageEvent @EventHandler public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent e) { DamageCause cause = e.getCause(); //Get the event DamageCause double rawDamage = e.getDamage(); //Returns the damage before any calculation...
SWIFT: Step 1: In your Info.plist add the following attribute: View controller-based status bar appearance and set its value to NO as described in the image below: Step 2: In your AppDelegate.swift file, in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, add this code: UIApplication.shared.st...
Let's say we have the following 4 by 4 grid: Let's assume that this is a maze. There are no walls/obstacles, though. We only have a starting point (the green square), and an ending point (the red square). Let's also assume that in order to get from green to red, we cannot move diagonally. So, s...
By default, the escape character is ~. Just go ahead and type ~. in your opened SSH session. After hitting Enter your session will end immediately. Go ahead and try it in any session, it works regardless of the responsiveness of your session.
So far we’ve covered the basic ways to record test scenarios. But one of the fastest and easiest ways to record your performance scripts, which is also free, is to use the BlazeMeter Recorder Chrome extension. These recordings can be run in JMeter or in BlazeMeter. The reason the extension is so us...
Question: What is the output of code below and why? setTimeout(function() { console.log("A"); }, 1000); setTimeout(function() { console.log("B"); }, 0); getDataFromDatabase(function(err, data) { console.log("C"); setTimeout(function() { ...
The abstract class IntentService is a base class for services, which run in the background without any user interface. Therefore, in order to update the UI, we have to make use of a receiver, which may be either a BroadcastReceiver or a ResultReceiver: A BroadcastReceiver should be used if your s...
Use browser.driver instead of driver Use browser.driver.ignoreSynchronization = true Reason: Protractor waits for angular components to load completely on a web-page befor it begins any execution. However, since our pages are non-angular, Protractor keeps waiting for 'angular' to load till the tes...
Before starting with deletion I just want to put some lights on what is a Binary search tree(BST), Each node in a BST can have maximum of two nodes(left and right child).The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal to its parent node's key. The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater ...

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