Tutorial by Examples: c

EventNetworks returned by compile must be actuated before reactimated events have an effect. main = do (inputHandler, inputFire) <- newAddHandler eventNetwork <- compile $ do inputEvent <- fromAddHandler inputHandler let inputEventReaction = fmap putStrLn inp...
Here we will be checking out the latest copy of our project's code, run the tests and will make the application live.To achieve that, follow below steps: Open Jenkins in browser. Click the New Job link. Enter project name and select the Build a free-style software project link. Click on Ok but...
Since an enum can be cast to and from its underlying integral type, the value may fall outside the range of values given in the definition of the enum type. Although the below enum type DaysOfWeek only has 7 defined values, it can still hold any int value. public enum DaysOfWeek { Monday = 1...
From within Emacs, type C-h t (Control-h, t) to get an excellent interactive tutorial within Emacs. The user learns basic navigation and editing by operating on the TUTORIAL text itself, as they read the tutorial. (Modifications to the tutorial are discarded when the tutorial is closed, so each ti...
// filename is a string with the full path // true is to append using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename, true)) { // Can write either a string or char array await file.WriteAsync(text); }
Information about the database connections SELECT a.mon$attachment_id as Attachment_ID, a.mon$server_pid as Server_PID, case a.mon$state when 1 then 'active' when 0 then 'idle' end as State, a.mon$attachment_name as Database_Name, ...
public static void delete (String urlString, String contentType) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { URL url = new URL(urlString); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInpu...
Overriding in Inheritance is used when you use a already defined method from a super class in a sub class, but in a different way than how the method was originally designed in the super class. Overriding allows the user to reuse code by using existing material and modifying it to suit the user's ne...
Darken #demo { @refcolor: #f0b9b8; background: @refcolor; border: 1px solid darken(@refcolor, 25%); } The above code makes use of the darken() function to set the border color as a shade that is 25% darker than the reference color (which is also the background color). Less compiler ca...
lessc [options] <source> [destination] The above command is used to compile Less files in the command line. Options are the various settings that the compiler should use either during compilation or after compilation. Options include -x or --compress for compressing or minifying the output ...
Print out all list names and the item count. $site = Get-SPSite -Identity https://mysharepointsite/sites/test foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) { foreach ($list in $web.Lists) { # Prints list title and item count Write-Output "$($list.Title), Items: $($list.ItemCoun...
Get-SPFeature -Site https://mysharepointsite/sites/test Get-SPFeature can also be run on web scope (-Web <WebUrl>), farm scope (-Farm) and web application scope (-WebApplication <WebAppUrl>). Get all orphaned features on a site collection Another usage of Get-SPFeature can be to find ...
internal func Init<Type>(value : Type, block: @noescape (object: Type) -> Void) -> Type { block(object: value) return value } Usage: Init(UILabel(frame: CGRect.zero)) { $0.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor() }
Website: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com Price: free (account is necessary) Platforms: OS X and Windows Developer: Atlassian
When deriving Serialize and Deserialize implementations for structs with generic type parameters, most of the time Serde is able to infer the correct trait bounds without help from the programmer. It uses several heuristics to guess the right bound, but most importantly it puts a bound of T: Seriali...
Suppose that you had started an interactive rebase: git rebase --interactive HEAD~20 and by mistake, you squashed or dropped some commits that you didn't want to lose, but then completed the rebase. To recover, do git reflog, and you might see some output like this: aaaaaaa HEAD@{0} rebase -i (...
For those that are using UI to branch click Right Mouse on repository then Tortoise Git -> Create Branch... New window will open -> Give branch a name -> Tick the box Switch to new branch (Chances are you want to start working with it after branching). -> Click OK and you should be do...
If we have a Model as following, from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User class UserModuleProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User) expired = models.DateTimeField() admin = models.BooleanField(default=False) employee_id = models...
To view an browse Vaadin add-ons in the Directory, you must be registered to vaadin.com. After the initial discovery of artifact details, e.g. for download and usage, registration is not required. Also, the usage of add-ons in a Maven project is not IDE-specific and the same instructions apply. Fro...
Partial classes provide a clean way to separate core logic of your scripts from platform specific methods. Partial classes and methods are marked with the keyword partial. This signals the compiler to leave the class "open" and look in other files for the rest of the implementation. // E...

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