Tutorial by Examples: c

Unsigned integers Greater than cmp eax, ebx ja a_label Greater than or equal cmp eax, ebx jae a_label Less than cmp eax, ebx jb a_label Less than or equal cmp eax, ebx jbe a_label Equal cmp eax, ebx je a_label Not equal cmp eax, ebx jne a_label Signed inte...
This example will wake up every Application Processor (AP) and make them, along with the Bootstrap Processor (BSP), display their LAPIC ID. ; Assemble boot sector and insert it into a 1.44MiB floppy image ; ; nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin ; dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512 count=2880 ; dd ...
A user is looking to use caffe for CNN training and testing. The user decides upon the CNN architecture design (e.g - No. of layers, No. of filters and their details etc). The user also decides the optimization technique for training and learning parameters in case training is to be carried out...
Send a message using GCM HTTP connection server protocol: https://gcm-http.googleapis.com/gcm/send Content-Type:application/json Authorization:key=AIzaSyZ-1u...0GBYzPu7Udno5aA { "to": "/topics/foo-bar", "data": { "message": "T...
To get the current date and time, use the now function: julia> now() 2016-09-04T00:16:58.122 This is the local time, which includes the machine's configured time zone. To get the time in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone, use now(Dates.UTC): julia> now(Dates.UTC) 2016-09-04...
Listed in order of precedence: TokenName              Description^ExponentiationReturn the result of raising the left-hand operand to the power of the right-hand operand. Note that the value returned by exponentiation is always a Double, regardless of the value types being divided. Any coercion of...
VBA supports 2 different concatenation operators, + and & and both perform the exact same function when used with String types - the right-hand String is appended to the end of the left-hand String. If the & operator is used with a variable type other than a String, it is implicitly cast to...
TokenName                           Description=Equal toReturns True if the left-hand and right-hand operands are equal. Note that this is an overload of the assignment operator.<>Not equal toReturns True if the left-hand and right-hand operands are not equal.>Greater thanReturns True if th...
All of the logical operators in VBA can be thought of as "overrides" of the bitwise operators of the same name. Technically, they are always treated as bitwise operators. All of the comparison operators in VBA return a Boolean, which will always have none of its bits set (False) or all of...
If you have an image and want to create a new image, with new dimensions, you can use imagecopyresampled function: first create a new image with desired dimensions: // new image $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); and store the original image into a variable. To do so, you may us...
The Deque is the only Python data structure with fast Queue operations. (Note queue.Queue isn't normally suitable, since it's meant for communication between threads.) A basic use case of a Queue is the breadth first search. from collections import deque def bfs(graph, root): distances = {}...
A comment is a way to put arbitrary text inside source code without having the C++ compiler interpret it with any functional meaning. Comments are used to give insight into the design or method of a program. There are two types of comments in C++: Single-Line Comments The double forward-slash seq...
Draper automatically matches up models with their decorators by convention. # app/decorators/user_decorator.rb class UserDecorator < Draper::Decorator def full_name "#{object.first_name} #{object.last_name}" end def created_at Time.use_zone(h.current_user.timezone...
Postscript is a dynamic-namespacing or LISP 1 language. But it provides the tools to implement local variables in procedures and other effects needed to implement algorithms. For local names in a procedure, make a new dictionary at the start and pop it at the end. /myproc { 10 dict begin ...
After finding an official Julia package, it is straightforward to download and install the package. Firstly, it's recommended to refresh the local copy of METADATA: julia> Pkg.update() This will ensure that you get the latest versions of all packages. Suppose that the package we want to inst...
Sometimes, the latest tagged version of a package is buggy or is missing some required features. Advanced users may wish to update to the latest development version of a package (sometimes referred to as the "master", named after the usual name for a development branch in Git). The benefit...
Some experimental packages are not included in the METADATA package repository. These packages can be installed by directly cloning their Git repositories. Note that there may be dependencies of unregistered packages that are themselves unregistered; those dependencies cannot be resolved by the pack...
This example covers common errors with using the 'java' command. "Command not found" If you get an error message like: java: command not found when trying to run the java command, this means that there is no java command on your shell's command search path. The cause could be: yo...
Animation curves allows you to change a float parameter as the animation plays. For example, if there is an animation of length 60 seconds and you want a float value/parameter, call it X, to vary through the animation (like at animation time = 0.0s; X = 0.0 , at animation time = 30.0s; X = 1.0, at...
ComboBoxes allow the user to choose one of various options provided by the developer. We are going to modify the form and add a combobox so the messagebox show us the message that the user want from a list that we will provide. After adding the combo to the form we now add a list of options to the...

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