Tutorial by Examples: c

Using the Flyable example as a starting point, we can add a second interface, Swimmable, with the following code: Sub Swim() ' No code End Sub The Duck object can Implement both flying and swimming: Implements Flyable Implements Swimmable Public Sub Flyable_Fly() Debug.Print &quo...
In tables recording events there is often a datetime field recording the time an event happened. Finding the single most recent event can be difficult because it's always possible that two events were recorded with exactly identical timestamps. You can use row_number() over (order by ...) to make su...
from sqlalchemy import create_engine cnx = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@server:3306/database').connect() sql = 'select * from mytable' df = pd.read_sql(sql, cnx)
Typically, before developing a new HERE SDK application, you need to acquire a set of credentials by registering your application on http://developer.here.com. Each application requires a unique set of credentials. When you register your app, the registered bundle identifier must match the package n...
While chrome browser is open to any tab (except welcome tabs) you have three options to open Chrome Dev Tools: Keyboard: Type command ⌘+option+i Browser Menu: Click 'Menu' > 'More Tools' > 'Developer Tools' Program Menu (at top of your screen): Click 'View' > 'Developer' > 'Develope...
The PERCENT_RANK function calculates the ranking of a row relative to the row set. The percentage is based on the number of rows in the group that have a lower value than the current row. The first value in the result set always has a percent rank of zero. The value for the highest-ranked – or last...
The PERCENTILE_DISC function lists the value of the first entry where the cumulative distribution is higher than the percentile that you provide using the numeric_literal parameter. The values are grouped by rowset or partition, as specified by the WITHIN GROUP clause. The PERCENTILE_CONT functi...
Lets following are the class definition class A def a; end end module B def b; end end class C < A include B def c; end end What are the instance methods of C? C.instance_methods # [:c, :b, :a, :to_json, :instance_of?...] What are the instance methods that declare...
var passport = require('passport'); var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { //In serialize user you decide what to store in the session. Here I'm storing the user id only. done(null, user.id); }); passport.deserializeUser(funct...
This is a complete example of all the commonly used SQLite related APIs. The aim is to get you up and running really fast. You can also get a runnable PHP file of of this tutorial. Creating/opening a database Let's create a new database first. Create it only if the file doesn't exist and open it f...
Callback functions in JavaScript Callback functions are common in JavaScript. Callback functions are possible in JavaScript because functions are first-class citizens. Synchronous callbacks. Callback functions can be synchronous or asynchronous. Since Asynchronous callback functions may be more c...
Question: What is the output of code below and why? setTimeout(function() { console.log("A"); }, 1000); setTimeout(function() { console.log("B"); }, 0); getDataFromDatabase(function(err, data) { console.log("C"); setTimeout(function() { ...
Example Data Please try to provide a minimal example input data in a format that can be directly used by the answers without tedious and time consuming parsing for example input file or local collection with all code required to create distributed data structures. When applicable always include ty...
Debugging questions. When question is related to debugging specific exception always provide relevant traceback. While it is advisable to remove duplicated outputs (from different executors or attempts) don't cut tracebacks to a single line or exception class only. Performance questions. Dependin...
An example of a configuration function in SQL is the @@SERVERNAME function. This function provides the name of the local server that's running SQL. SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server' ServerSQL064 In SQL, most data conversions occur implicitly, without any user intervention. To perform any convers...
In your routes/index.js Here user is the model for the userSchema router.post('/login', function(req, res, next) { if (!req.body.username || !req.body.password) { return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Please fill out all fields' }); } passpor...
A common requirement for a Java application is that can be deployed by copying a single file. For simple applications that depend only on the standard Java SE class libraries, this requirement is satisfied by creating a JAR file containing all of the (compiled) application classes. Things are not ...
package main import ( "encoding/gob" "os" ) type User struct { Username string Password string } func main() { user := User{ "zola", "supersecretpassword", } file, _ := os.Create("user.go...
package main import ( "encoding/gob" "fmt" "os" ) type User struct { Username string Password string } func main() { user := User{} file, _ := os.Open("user.gob") defer file.Close() decoder := gob...
package main import ( "encoding/gob" "fmt" "os" ) type User struct { Username string Password string } type Admin struct { Username string Password string IsAdmin bool } type Deleter interface { Delete() } ...

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