Tutorial by Examples: c

This tool let you list, create, alter and describe topics. List topics: kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list Create a topic: kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test creates a topic with one partition and no replication....
This tool lets you produce messages from the command-line. Send simple string messages to a topic: kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test here is a message here is another message ^D (each new line is a new message, type ctrl+D or ctrl+C to stop) Send messages with...
This tool let's you consume messages from a topic. to use the old consumer implementation, replace --bootstrap-server with --zookeeper. Display simple messages: kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test Consume old messages: In order to see older messages, you...
This consumer is a low-level tool which allows you to consume messages from specific partitions, offsets and replicas. Useful parameters: parition: the specific partition to consume from (default to all) offset: the beginning offset. Use -2 to consume messages from the beginning, -1 to consume ...
This tool allows you to list, describe, or delete consumer groups. Have a look at this article for more information about consumer groups. if you still use the old consumer implementation, replace --bootstrap-server with --zookeeper. List consumer groups: kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-s...
// PHYSICS CONSTANTS struct PhysicsCategory { static let None : UInt32 = 0 static let All : UInt32 = UInt32.max static let player : UInt32 = 0b1 // 1 static let bullet : UInt32 = 0b10 // 2 } var nodesToRemove = [SKNode]() /...
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :default def perform(*guests) # Do something later end end
Download visual studio code from here Visual studio code. Select your target installer[mac|windows|linux]. Go to downloaded file in your local. Below steps in volved for installing Installation finished successfully.
After installing Visual studio code configure .net core and C#. Configure C# based on market-place. Reference Url: C# market place .net core Launch Visual studio code. Press [ctrl + P] paste "ext install csharp" this and hit. Once done above steps , C# extension available i...
Create your new project folder and open in windows-command prompt with the location of project folder. Type "dotnet new -t web" and hit. This is for creating new mvc template. Once complete. GO to the project location and see basic mvc project has been created. The...
Open the project folder in VScode. Sample here i am setting break point in home controller. Now click the debug option. add debug configuration like below. Make sure .Net core Launch(web) is selected. You can see break point will hit , once you start debugging by press run icon. Then gi...
In our AppServiceProvider.php public function boot() { HasMany::macro('toHasOne', function() { return new HasOne( $this->query, $this->parent, $this->foreignKey, $this->localKey ); }); } Suppose we have shop modal and ...
The MSDN library contains several different types of documentation which can be used for implementing features. Topic Overviews These are broad overviews of topics intended to provide a general understanding of an API. These overviews also often outline best practices, and implementation strategi...
Finding documentation for a feature is often as simple as a search using a good search engine. If that fails, or if unsure about specific terms, the Windows API Index can help locate specific features. Documentation for methods, interfaces, enumerations and constants can usually be found by searchin...
The documentation for a function is broken down into several sections: Overview Describes what the function is used for. This section will also show information about whether the function is depreciated, or may be unavailable in future versions. Syntax Shows the declaration of the function from ...
In Progress 4GL the normal way to write a special character is to preceed it with a tilde character (~). These are the default special characters SequenceInterpreted asComment~""Used to write " inside strings defined using "string".~''Used to write ' inside strings defined...
A Mercator projection is one of the most recognizable projections used in maps. Like all map projections it has distortion and for a Mercator, projection this is most noticeable in the polar regions. It is a cylindrical projection, meridians run vertically and latitudes run horizontally. Scale depe...
FlinkKafkaConsumer let's you consume data from one or more kafka topics. versions The consumer to use depends on your kafka distribution. FlinkKafkaConsumer08: uses the old SimpleConsumer API of Kafka. Offsets are handled by Flink and committed to zookeeper. FlinkKafkaConsumer09: uses the new ...
As explained in the docs, With Flink’s checkpointing enabled, the Flink Kafka Consumer will consume records from a topic and periodically checkpoint all its Kafka offsets, together with the state of other operations, in a consistent manner. In case of a job failure, Flink will restore the streami...
SimpleStringSchema: SimpleStringSchema deserializes the message as a string. In case your messages have keys, the latter will be ignored. new FlinkKafkaConsumer09<>(kafkaInputTopic, new SimpleStringSchema(), prop); JSONDeserializationSchema JSONDeserializationSchema deserializes json-form...

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