Tutorial by Examples: c

Install cordova using the following command npm install -g cordova. Use cordova -version to check the cordova version. Set path variables ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME. Example: export ANDROID_HOME = /home/geethu/android-sdk-linux export PATH = $PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_H...
To create a new project ng new [project-name] which initializes git.Install packages for tooling via npm. It creates the project successfully. cd [project-name] and execute either npm start or ng serve It'll run the server in the given default port. Application will refresh according to the chan...
The Sales Orders screen (SO.30.10.00) is a perfect example of a data entry form with a composite primary key. The primary key on the Sales Orders screen is composed by the Order Type and the Order Number: The recommended 2-step strategy to export data from the Sales Orders screen or any other dat...
Given the following custom Boolean type we want to wrap: typedef char MYBOOL; #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 A simple approach might be to write the following typemaps in our SWIG interface: %typemap(in) MYBOOL %{ // $input is what we got passed from Python for this function argument $1...
Go to terminal, cd projectFolder git remote -v (it will show previous git url) git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/username/newName.git git remote -v (double check, it will show new git url) git push (do whatever you want.)
Currying is the process of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions that each has only a single parameter. Currying is related to, but not the same as, partial application. Let's consider the following function in JavaScript: var add = (x, y) => x + y ...
A single line comment starts with two hyphens (--) and extends up to the end of the line. Example : -- This process models the state register process(clock, aresetn) begin if aresetn = '0' then -- Active low, asynchronous reset state <= IDLE; elsif rising_edge(clock) then --...
Starting with VHDL 2008, a comment can also extend on several lines. Multi-lines comments start with /* and end with */. Example : /* This process models the state register. It has an active low, asynchronous reset and is synchronized on the rising edge of the clock. */ process(clock, ...
Starting a new comment (single line or delimited) inside a comment (single line or delimited) has no effect and is ignored. Examples: -- This is a single-line comment. This second -- has no special meaning. -- This is a single-line comment. This /* has no special meaning. /* This is not a si...
Open console: Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows/Linux) Cmd+Opt+J (Mac) Insert document.body.contentEditable = true or document.designMode = 'on' and press ENTER
Redis provides three commands to count the items within a sorted set: ZCARD, ZCOUNT, ZLEXCOUNT. The ZCARD command is the basic test for the cardinality of a set. (It is analogous to the SCARD command for sets.) . ZCARD returns the count of the members of a set. Executing the following code to add...
If you do not only wish to display static objects, but have your UI respond to changes to correlating objects, you need to understand the basics of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Assuming we have our MainWindowdefined as <Window x:Class="Application.MainWindow" xmlns=&quot...
This example will go over the basic structure of a Cucumber feature file in Gherkin. Feature files use several keywords in the basic syntax. Lets look at the basic keywords: Feature: this keyword signifies that what follows is a basic description or name of the feature being tested or documented...
As you may have noticed in the example above, we are rewriting the same step multiple times: Given the user is on the login page This can be exceptionally tedious, especially if we have more than one given step that is reused. Gherkin provides a solution for this by giving us another keyword to ...
In some cases you may want to rerun the same scenario over and over, substituting out the arguments. In this case, Gherkin provides several new keywords to accommodate this situation, Scenario Outline: and Example:. The Scenario Outline keyword tells Cucumber that the scenario is going to run multip...
Since Bootstrap 4 is a major rewrite, many of the Bootstrap 3.x class names have changed or been removed. The restructuring of components such as the Navbar, and the introduction of new CSS classes and Flexbox support means that upgrading to 4.x is not a simple conversion process from 3.x. However,...
To install the Cucumber for Java plugin for IntelliJ on a Mac, Start IntelliJ IDEA. Click on the "IntelliJ IDEA" tab in the top bar. Click on "Preferences". In Preferences/Settings, click "Plugins" in the left-hand pane. Click the "Browse Repositories&quot...
Decimal fixed point types are typically used in accounting. They are characterised by both a delta and a number of decimal digits. Their arithmetical operations reflect the rules of accounting. type Money is delta 0.001 digits 10; Oil_Price : Money := 56.402; Loss : Money := 0.002 / 3; -- ...

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