Tutorial by Examples: and

CREATE TABLE all_datetime_types( c_date date, c_timestamp timestamp ); Minimum and maximum data values: insert into all_datetime_types values ('0001-01-01','0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000001'); insert into all_datetime_types values ('9999-12-31','9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999');
CREATE TABLE all_binary_types( c_boolean boolean, c_binary binary ); Sample data: insert into all_binary_types values (0,1234); insert into all_binary_types values (1,4321); Note: For boolean, internally it stored as true or false. For binary, it will store base64 encoded value....
To get started with unit testing, which will be done in the tests file and will be testing the View Controller and Storyboard, we should introduce these two files to the test file. Defining the View Controller Swift var viewController : ViewController! Introducing the Storyboard and initializi...
To stop the Handler from execution remove the callback attached to it using the runnable running inside it: Runnable my_runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // your code here } }; public Handler handler = new Handler(); // use 'new Handler(Looper.get...
To get versionName and versionCode of current build of your application you should query Android's package manager. try { // Reference to Android's package manager PackageManager packageManager = this.getPackageManager(); // Getting package info of this application PackageInfo...
To get the time at which your app was installed or updated, you should query Android's package manager. try { // Reference to Android's package manager PackageManager packageManager = this.getPackageManager(); // Getting package info of this application PackageInfo info = pack...
Add the I18N nuget package to your MVC project. In web.config, add the i18n.LocalizingModule to your <httpModules> or <modules> section. <!-- IIS 6 --> <httpModules> <add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" /> &...
sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( { database_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } , { object_id | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } , { index_id | NULL | 0 | -1 | DEFAULT } , { partition_number | NULL | 0 | DEFAULT } , { mode | NULL | DEFAULT } ) Sample : SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_inde...
avg_fragmentation_in_percent valueCorrective statement>5% and < = 30%REORGANIZE>30%REBUILD ALTER INDEX IX_NonClustered ON tableName REORGANIZE; ALTER INDEX ALL ON Production.Product REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ON);
How to use conditional execution of command lists Any builtin command, expression, or function, as well as any external command or script can be executed conditionally using the &&(and) and ||(or) operators. For example, this will only print the current directory if the cd command was succ...
This is an example on how to use React Native's BackAndroid along with the Navigator. componentWillMount registers an event listener to handle the taps on the back button. It checks if there is another view in the history stack, and if there is one, it goes back -otherwise it keeps the default beha...
You can start the remote debugging from Developer menu. After selecting the enable remote debugging it will open Google Chrome, So that you can log the output into your console. You can also write debugger syntax into your js code.
SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM OldTable Creates a new table with structure of old table and inserts all rows into the new table. Some Restrictions You cannot specify a table variable or table-valued parameter as the new table. You cannot use SELECT…INTO to create a partitioned table, even whe...
When factors are created with defaults, levels are formed by as.character applied to the inputs and are ordered alphabetically. charvar <- rep(c("W", "n", "c"), times=c(17,20,14)) f <- factor(charvar) levels(f) # [1] "c" "n" "W" ...
Collections and Maps evaluates to true if not null and not empty and false if null or empty /* an empty map example*/ def userInfo = [:] if (!userInfo) userInfo << ['user': 'Groot', 'species' : 'unknown' ] will add user: 'Groot' , species : 'unknown' as default userInfo since the u...
The Kernel exposes methods for getting the list of global_variables and local_variables: cats = 42 $demo = "in progress" p global_variables.sort #=> [:$!, :$", :$$, :$&, :$', :$*, :$+, :$,, :$-0, :$-F, :$-I, :$-K, :$-W, :$-a, #=> :$-d, :$-i, :$-l, :$-p, :$-v, :$-w, :$...
// Usage: var arc={ cx:150, cy:150, innerRadius:75, outerRadius:100, startAngle:-Math.PI/4, endAngle:Math.PI } drawArc(arc,'skyblue','gray',4); function drawArc(a,fill,stroke,strokewidth){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(a.cx,a.cy,a.innerRadius,a.startAngle,a.endAngle); ...
adb devices Is your phone displaying? If not, enable developer mode on your phone, and connect it by USB. adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 : In order to link correctly your phone and that React-Native recognize him during build. (NOTE:Android Version 5 or above.) react-native run-andr...
When a Java virtual machine starts, it needs to know how big to make the Heap, and the default size for thread stacks. These can be specified using command-line options on the java command. For versions of Java prior to Java 8, you can also specify the size of the PermGen region of the Heap. Note...
Reading invalid UTF-8 When reading UTF-8 encoded data, it is important to be aware of the fact the UTF-8 encoded data can be invalid or malformed. Such data should usually not be accepted by your program (unless you know what you are doing). When unexpectedly encountering malformed data, different ...

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