Tutorial by Examples: c

One can use the command-line launching facility is when one wants to customize some aspects of the way MySQL Workbench operates. MySQL Workbench has the following common command line options: --admin instance - Launch MySQL Workbench and load the server instance specified. --query connection - ...
/app/i18n/<Vendor Namespace>/<language package directory>/composer.json { "name": "<vendor namespance>/<language package directory>", "description": "<language package description>", "version": "100....
Here i will show you how to fetch All parent(configuarble products) A parent product and all of its children.
We will start by making a simple class that gets all our parent(Configurable products) <?php namespace Test\Test\Controller\Test; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; class Products extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action { public function __construct( \...
Here we first fetch our parent product and the we will get all children products that this parent have. <?php namespace Test\Test\Controller\Test; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; class Products extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action { public function __cons...
EPPlus also supports the ability to insert text in a cell using the Insert() method. For example: var file = new FileInfo(filePath); using (var p = new ExcelPackage(file)) { var wb = p.Workbook; var ws = wb.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault() ?? wb.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1"); var...
Variables inside functions is inside a local scope like this $number = 5 function foo(){ $number = 10 return $number } foo(); //Will print 10 because text defined inside function is a local variable
val re = """\((.*?)\)""".r val str = "(The)(example)(of)(repeating)(pattern)(in)(a)(single)(string)(I)(had)(some)(trouble)(with)(once)" re.findAllMatchIn(str).map(_.group(1)).toList res2: List[String] = List(The, example, of, repeating, pattern, in, a, ...
Using DOSKEY, we can create macros to simplify typing many commands in command prompt. Take a look at the following example. DOSKEY macro=echo Hello World Now if you type macro in the command prompt, it would return Hello World.
Unfortunately, DOSKEY macro doesn't support comment, but there's a workaround. ;= Comment ;= Comment ;= Remember to end your comment with ;= ;=
There are 3 usages of the $ character in a DOSKEY macro. Command separator $T is the equivalent of & in a batch script. One can join commands together like so. DOSKEY test=echo hello $T echo world Command-line arguments Like bash(not batch), we use $ to indicate command-line argument....
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var firstTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var secondTabNavigationControoller : UINavigationController! var thirdTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var fourth...
Sometimes the download takes longer than the cell is being displayed. In this case it can happen, that the downloaded image is shown in the wrong cell. To fix this we can not use the UIImageView Extension. We still will be using Alamofire however we will use the completion handler to display the im...
Use .click() to simulate click Here is a code sample to click search button on Bing website private async void SimulateClickAsync() { var functionString = string.Format(@"document.getElementsByClassName('b_searchboxSubmit')[0].click();"); await webView.InvokeScriptAsync("...
var assert = require('assert'); describe('String', function() { describe('#split', function() { it('should return an array', function() { assert(Array.isArray('a,b,c'.split(','))) }); }); });
var myArray = []; // empty array An array is a set of variables. For example: var favoriteFruits = ["apple", "orange", "strawberry"]; var carsInParkingLot = ["Toyota", "Ferrari", "Lexus"]; var employees = ["Billy", "Bob...
Let's first brush up with what are the Instance Variables: They behave more like properties for an object. They are initialized on an object creation. Instance variables are accessible through instance methods. Per Object has per instance variables. Instance Variables are not shared between object...
Comparison of access controls of Java against Ruby: If method is declared private in Java, it can only be accessed by other methods within the same class. If a method is declared protected it can be accessed by other classes which exist within the same package as well as by subclasses of the class...
Creating an Snackbar without the need pass view to Snackbar, all layout create in android in android.R.id.content. public class CustomSnackBar { public static final int STATE_ERROR = 0; public static final int STATE_WARNING = 1; public static final int STATE_SUCCESS = 2; publi...
DOSKEY macros don't work in a batch script. However, we can use a little workaround. set DOSKEYMacro=echo Hello World %DOSKEYMacro% This script can simulate the macro function. One can also use ampersands(&) to join commands, like $T in DOSKEY. If you want a relatively large "macro&qu...

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