Tutorial by Examples: ect

These inspections are extremely useful for preventing NullPointerExceptions. By default they are disabled. You can find these inspections in Inspections preferences: Java | Probable bugs | Constant conditions & exceptions and @NotNull/@Nullable problems. There you can also configure your annotat...
A library based on NETStandard 1.6 would look like this: { "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.1", //nuget dependency }, "frameworks": { //frameworks the library is build for "netst...
A simple example of project configuration for a .NetCore 1.1 Console App { "version": "1.0.0", "buildOptions": { "emitEntryPoint": true // make sure entry point is emitted. }, "dependencies": { }, "tools": { }, ...
The Problem You have a set of things to do (activities). Each activity has a start time and a end time. You aren't allowed to perform more than one activity at a time. Your task is to find a way to perform the maximum number of activities. For example, suppose you have a selection of classes to ch...
You can use BETWEEN clause to replace a combination of "greater than equal AND less than equal" conditions. Data +----+-----------+ | id | username | +----+-----------+ | 1 | admin | | 2 | root | | 3 | toor | | 4 | mysql | | 5 | thanks | | 6 | java ...
This shows you how to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection nuget package without the use of the WebHostBuilder from kestrel (e.g. when you want to build something else then a webApp): internal class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var services = new Se...
IServiceCollection To start building an IOC container with Microsoft's DI nuget package you start with creating an IServiceCollection. You can use the already provided Collection: ServiceCollection: var services = new ServiceCollection(); This IServiceCollection is nothing more than an implemen...
First of all you'll need to have a key pair. If you don't have one yet, take a look at the 'Generate public and private key topic'. Your key pair is composed by a private key (id_rsa) and a public key (id_rsa.pub). All you need to do is to copy the public key to the remote host and add its contents...
hql = "From EntityName";
hql = "Select id, name From Employee";
create or replace directory DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR as '/oracle/scripts/expimp';
public function house() { $config['base_url'] = site_url().'/user/house/'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->houses->select_row_house_design(); $config['per_page'] = 12; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li><a><b>'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '&...
LINQ queries do not execute immediately. When you are building the query you are simply storing the query for future execution. Only when you actually request to iterate the query is the query executed (e.g. in a for loop, when calling ToList, Count, Max, Average, First, etc.) This is considered de...
Install Firebase resource in the the AppScript To do that click on Resources and then on Libraries. Firebase has a unique project library key that need to be installed in the AppScript. Click on Libraries The following pop-up appears. Enter the following project key in the textbox. MYeP8ZEE...
Master process spawns server and client applications with a single process for each application. Server opens a port and client connects to that port. Then client sends data to server with MPI_Send to verify that the connection is established. master.c #include "mpi.h" int main(int ar...
public void OpenXmppConnection(int port, bool useSsl, string serverJid, string userName, string password) { try { _xmppClientConnection.AutoResolveConnectServer = true; _xmppClientConnection.Port = port; _xmppClien...
public class ConnectionManager { private XmppClientConnection _xmppClientConnection = null; public ConnectionManager() { if (_xmppClientConnection == null) { _xmppClientConnection = new ...
val personMap = Map( 10 -> new Person("Roger", "Moore"), 20 -> new Person("James", "Bond") ) val names = for { (key, person) <- personMap if key > 15 } yield s"$key = ${person.firstName}"
Test Automation is broad topic. DEV/QA should delve on this questions first: What is nature of product? (Web, Mobile, Cloud, IOT, Analytics) What is development stage? (Developed-Legacy, In Development) What is technology stack? (Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Node, React) Is it SOA/Micro-services ba...
SELECT ... WHERE dt >= '2017-02-01' AND dt < '2017-02-01' + INTERVAL 1 MONTH Sure, this could be done with BETWEEN and inclusion of 23:59:59. But, the pattern has this benefits: You don't have pre-calculate the end date (which is often an exact length from the start) You...

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