Tutorial by Examples

Makes entering numbers a bit handier by showing a set of arrows on the right side of the input. HTML <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css"> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script&gt...
using System; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var foo = new Dependency(); var bar = new ClassWithDependency(); bar.DoSomething(foo); //Inject dependency as method parameter ...
Html: <nav class="navbar navbar-defalt" data-offset-top="120" data-spy="affix" > ... </nav> Css: <style> .navbar { background-color: red; } .navbar.affix { background-color: green; } </style>
<div class="container" id="con"> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <div class="well"> <h1> Header </h1> </div> </div&gt...
At its core a perceptron model is one of the simplest supervised learning algorithms for binary classification. It is a type of linear classifier, i.e. a classification algorithm that makes its predictions based on a linear predictor function combining a set of weights with the feature vector. A ...
In this example I will go through the implementation of the perceptron model in C++ so that you can get a better idea of how it works. First things first it is a good practice to write down a simple algorithm of what we want to do. Algorithm: Make a the vector for the weights and initialize it ...
When we write an Web application in Grails, to deploy the application we need a "war" file that need's to be put in the servlet container (Tomcat etc). First goto the project directory : cd to_project_directory War file creation from command prompt : grails war 2.Its always r...
HTML Tag: Tag attributes look similar to html, however their values are just regular JavaScript. a(href='google.com') Google a(class='button', href='google.com') Google Result: <a href="google.com">Google</a><a href="google.com" class="button">G...
By default, all attributes are escaped (replacing special characters with escape sequences) to prevent attacks such as cross site scripting. If you need to use special characters you can use != instead of =. Code: div(escaped="<code>") div(unescaped!="<code>") R...
Boolean attributes are mirrored by Jade, and accept bools, aka true or false. When no value is specified true is assumed. Code: input(type='checkbox', checked) input(type='checkbox', checked=true) input(type='checkbox', checked=false) input(type='checkbox', checked=true.toString()) Result: ...
The style attribute can be a string (like any normal attribute) but it can also be an object, which is handy when parts of the style are generated by JavaScript. Code: a(style={color: 'red', background: 'green'}) Result: <a style="color:red;background:green"></a>
The class attribute can be a string (like any normal attribute) but it can also be an array of class names, which is handy when generated from JavaScript. Code: - var classes = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] a(class=classes) //- the class attribute may also be repeated to merge arrays a.bing(class=class...
Classes may be defined using a .classname syntax: Code: a.button Result: <a class="button"></a> Since div's are such a common choice of tag, it is the default if you omit the tag name: Code: .content Result: <div class="content"></div>
IDs may be defined using a #idname syntax: Code: a#main-link Result: <a id="main-link"></a> Since div's are such a common choice of tag, it is the default if you omit the tag name: Code: #content Result: <div id="content"></div>
Pronounced "and attributes", the &attributes syntax can be used to explode an object into attributes of an element. Code: div#foo(data-bar="foo")&attributes({'data-foo': 'bar'}) Result: <div id="foo" data-bar="foo" data-foo="bar">&l...
To add for instance a directory scripts to the distribution package: Add to the project a folder scripts On top of the build.sbt, add: import NativePackagerHelper._ In build.sbt, add a mapping to the new directory: mappings in Universal ++= directory("scripts") B...
Server side Meteor.methods({ getData() { return 'Hello, world!'; } }); Client side <template name="someData"> {{#if someData}} <p>{{someData}}</p> {{else}} <p>Loading...</p> {{/if}} </template> Template.someData.on...
Server side Meteor.methods({ getData() { return 'Hello, world!'; } }); Client side <template name="someData"> {{#if someData}} <p>{{someData}}</p> {{else}} <p>Loading...</p> {{/if}} </template> Template.someData.on...
LaraDock is a Laravel Homestead like development environment but for Docker instead of Vagrant. https://github.com/LaraDock/laradock Installation *Requires Git and Docker Clone the LaraDock repository: A. If you already have a Laravel project, clone this repository on your Laravel root director...
You can add new extensions to require() by extending require.extensions. For a XML example: // Add .xml for require() require.extensions['.xml'] = (module, filename) => { const fs = require('fs') const xml2js = require('xml2js') module.exports = (callback) => { // ...

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