Tutorial by Examples

Character modifying functions include converting characters to upper or lower case characters, converting numbers to formatted numbers, performing character manipulation, etc. The lower(char) function converts the given character parameter to be lower-cased characters. SELECT customer_id, lower(cu...
Before Auto Layout, you always had to tell buttons and other controls how big they should be, either by setting their frame or bounds properties or by resizing them in Interface Builder. But it turns out that most controls are perfectly capable of determining how much space they need, based on their...
Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy. A general...
<?php /* this example is based on the advanced template * This file is located in * backend/views/layouts/main.php */ use yii\helpers\Html; // here the asset is registered use cinghie\adminlte\AdminLTEAsset; AdminLTEAsset::register($this); ?> <?php $this->beginPage...
<?php /** * This file is the Asset Bundle File located in * vendor/cinghie/yii2-admin-lte/AdminLTEAsset.php * @copyright Copyright © Gogodigital Srls * @company Gogodigital Srls - Wide ICT Solutions * @website http://www.gogodigital.it * @github https://github.com/cinghie/yii...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-EN"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="csrf-param" content="_csrf"> <me...
When browser navigates to a dynamic page (most commonly AJAX-based web application), the elements on the page can take different time to load, and furthermore: some elements will only load in response to some user actions. In such cases direct retrieval of an element may fail: # Don't do this: may ...
Here we will create collection for losses of Neural Network's computational graph. First create a computational graph like so: with tf.variable_scope("Layer"): W = tf.get_variable("weights", [m, k], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer([m, k], dtype=tf.float32)) ...
Detailed instructions on getting logstash set up or installed.
First lets get some data into a temp table named #systables and ad a incrementing row number so we can query one record at a time select o.name, row_number() over (order by o.name) as rn into #systables from sys.objects as o where o.type = 'S' Next we declare some var...
In the Hello World, you were introduced to the package Ada.Text_IO, and how to use it in order to perform I/O operations within your program. Packages can be further manipulated to do many different things. Renaming: To rename a package, you use the keyword renames in a package declaration, as such...
The <use> element is often used for reuseable icons, in collaboration with the <symbol> element. That looks like this: <svg> <symbol viewBox="0 0 16 16" id="icon-star"> <path d="M16 6.216l-6.095-.02L7.98.38 6.095 6.196 0 6.215h.02l4....
AutomationMetadataProvider automationMetadataProvider = Assert.ResultNotNull(Factory.CreateObject("automation/metadataProvider", true) as AutomationMetadataProvider); var context = AutomationManager.Provider.GetAutomationContext(ID.Parse(contact.ContactId)); co...
Pass an upper limit as an argument to the rand() function. Input: my $upper_limit = 100; my $random = rand($upper_limit); print $random . "\n"; Output: A random floating-point number, like... 45.8733038119139
Cast your random floating-point number as an int. Input: my $range = 10; # create random integer as low as 0 and as high as 9 my $random = int(rand($range)); # max value is up to but not equal to $range print $random . "\n"; Output: A random integer, like... 0 See also t...
Using the Constructor A ReadOnlyCollection is created by passing an existing IList object into the constructor: var groceryList = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana" }; var readOnlyGroceryList = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(groceryList); Using LINQ Additiona...
A ReadOnlyCollection cannot be edited directly. Instead, the source collection is updated and the ReadOnlyCollection will reflect these changes. This is the key feature of the ReadOnlyCollection. var groceryList = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana" }; var readOnlyGroc...
If the source collection is of a type that is not immutable, elements accessed through a ReadOnlyCollection can be modified. public class Item { public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } } public static void FillOrder() { // An order is generated ...
Create a new JobService This is done by extending the JobService class and implementing/overriding the required methods onStartJob() and onStopJob(). public class MyJobService extends JobService { final String TAG = getClass().getSimpleName(); @Override public boolean onStart...
You can easily do something to each element in a range. (1..5).each do |i| print i end # 12345

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