Tutorial by Examples: all

Once the binaries are extracted, right-click on setup.exe and click on "Run as Administrator" The window above will appear. Click on Unified Functional Testing Setup. If any prerequisite appears just press "OK" Wait the Setup prepare the installation. After a fe...
Detailed instructions on getting aws-api-gateway set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting karma-jasmine set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting kernel set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting sling set up or installed.
In the beginning there were callbacks, and callbacks were ok: const getTemperature = (callback) => { http.get('www.temperature.com/current', (res) => { callback(res.data.temperature) }) } const getAirPollution = (callback) => { http.get('www.pollution.com/current', (res) ...
There is no strict API for defining how systems manage components. A common pattern is to have components subscribe themselves to the system. The system then has references to all of its components: AFRAME.registerSystem('my-component', { init: function () { this.entities = []; }, ...
Every element in A-Frame inherits from <a-node>, the AFRAME.ANode prototype. ANode controls load and initialization order. For an element to initialize (whether it be <a-assets>, <a-asset-item>, <a-scene>, or <a-entity>), its children must have already initialized. N...
using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string zipPath = @"c:\example\start.zip"; string extractPath = @"c:\example\extract...
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p> <input id="cbGroup1" type="checkbox">Select all <input name="cbGroup1" type="checkbox" value="value1_1">Group1 v...
Detailed instructions on getting office365 set up or installed.
IMPORTANT!! Valet is a tool designed for macOS, the version below is ported for Linux OS. Prerequisites Do not install valet as root or by using the sudo command. Valet utilizes your local machine's HTTP port (port 80), therefore, you will not be able to use if Apache or Nginx are installed and...
Using the command git tag lists out all available tags: $ git tag <output follows> v0.1 v1.3 Note: the tags are output in an alphabetical order. One may also search for available tags: $ git tag -l "v1.8.5*" <output follows> v1.8.5 v1.8.5-rc0 v1.8.5-rc1 v1.8.5...
Detailed instructions on getting windows-installer set up or installed.
Ubuntu # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc Windows Recommended The normal and recommended way to install VLC on a Windows operating system is via the installer package.(Download Link)
MySQL Workbench is available for all major operating systems -Windows, Linux, Mac- You can find the version for you operating system from here. For windows: It uses the msi (Windows installer) to install packages. You only need to right click install and it starts. For Linux: There are multiple ....
Detailed instructions on getting oracle12c set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting shapeless set up or installed.
We can call an action result in another action result. public ActionResult Action1() { ViewData["OutputMessage"] = "Hello World"; return RedirectToAction("Action2","ControllerName"); //this will go to second action; } public ActionResult...
By creating multiple properties files for the different environments or use cases, its sometimes hard to manually change the active.profile value to the right one. But there is a way to set the active.profile in the application.properties file while building the application by using maven-profiles. ...

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