In the beginning there were callbacks, and callbacks were ok:
const getTemperature = (callback) => {
http.get('', (res) => {
const getAirPollution = (callback) => {
http.get('', (res) => {
getTemperature(function(temp) {
getAirPollution(function(pollution) {
console.log(`the temp is ${temp} and the pollution is ${pollution}.`)
// The temp is 27 and the pollution is 0.5.
But there were a few really frustrating issues with callbacks so we all started using promises.
const getTemperature = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get('', (res) => {
const getAirPollution = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get('', (res) => {
.then(temp => console.log(`the temp is ${temp}`))
.then(() => getAirPollution())
.then(pollution => console.log(`and the pollution is ${pollution}`))
// the temp is 32
// and the pollution is 0.5
This was a bit better. Finally, we found async/await. Which still uses promises under the hood.
const temp = await getTemperature()
const pollution = await getAirPollution()