Tutorial by Examples: all

Download the files from our.umbraco.org/download and unzip them in a folder. Set up web server hosting the folder you chose. Although IIS is a requirement for production sites, it runs fine for development in IIS Express. Set up file permissions for the folder. For development server it is okey ...
Check for updates to the Nuget package manager. In Visual Studio: Tools > Extensions and Updates > Updates > Visual Studio Gallery. Install if availalbe Create a new web application with template "ASP.NET Web Application with an Empty template" on .NET Framework 4.5.1 Open the...
select owner, table_name from all_tables ALL_TAB_COLUMNS describes the columns of the tables, views, and clusters accessible to the current user. COLS is a synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS. select * from all_tab_columns where table_name = :tname
Detailed instructions on getting audio set up or installed.
To use the IMAP functions in PHP you'll need to install the IMAP extension: Debian/Ubuntu with PHP5 sudo apt-get install php5-imap sudo php5enmod imap Debian/Ubuntu with PHP7 sudo apt-get install php7.0-imap YUM based distro sudo yum install php-imap Mac OS X with php5.6 brew reinsta...
Once you've connected to your mailbox, you'll want to take a look inside. The first useful command is imap_list. The first parameter is the resource you acquired from imap_open, the second is your mailbox string and the third is a fuzzy search string (* is used to match any pattern). $folders = ima...
First of all, install gulp and gulp-jsdoc3 to your project: npm install gulp-jsdoc3 --save-dev Then add it to your gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var jsdoc = require('gulp-jsoc3'); gulp.task('doc', function (cb){ gulp.src('src/*.js') .pipe(jsdoc(cb)); }); In order...
Installation via NodeJS is the recommended method. It is preferred because you can use it to build the files selecting just the components you want. Step 1: Install Node (Link) Step 2: Install Gulp globally ( -g ) on your computer npm install -g gulp Semantic UI uses Gulp to provide command ...
Arch: An official pacman-package is available. Install the package as root, using: pacman -S postgis OpenSuse: In order to use the openSuse repositories for geospatial applications, enable the Geo-repository as root: zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/openSUS...
Detailed instructions on getting moodle set up or installed are in the official Moodle page in the section Installing Moodle For administrators who are experienced with installing web server applications and are in a hurry to get up and running visit Installation Quickstart Platform specific instr...
Both connecting to a remove SSH server and accepting SSH connections require installation of openssh Debian: # apt-get install openssh Arch Linux: # pacman -S openssh Yum: # yum install openssh
Detailed instructions on getting ssas set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting visual-foxpro set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting microcontroller set up or installed.
Install Anaconda(PyQt5 is build-in), especially for windows user. Integrate QtDesigner and QtUIConvert in PyCharm(External Tools) Open PyCharm Settings > Tools > External Tools Create Tool(QtDesigner) - used to edit *.ui files Create Tool(PyUIConv) - used to convert *.ui to *.py ...
Carthage Setup Download the latest version of Carthage from the given link Download Link Down in the Download section download the Carthage.pkg file. Once the download is complete install it by double clinking on the download pkg file. To check for successful download run the following command i...
Installation $ npm install gulp-jslint --save-dev Usage In gulpfile.js add: var gulp = require('gulp'); var jslint = require('gulp-jslint'); gulp.task('lint', function(){ return gulp.src(['source.js']) .pipe(jslint({ /* this object represents the JSLint directives being passe...
To install PHP on Ubuntu, first install the Redis server: sudo apt install redis-server then install the PHP module: sudo apt install php-redis And restart the Apache server: sudo service apache2 restart
Maya supports 3 main programming environments. Each has different setup requirements. MEL MEL scripting language is included with the Maya application. Enabled by default, users can test MEL in the script listener window in a running copy of Maya. MEL files are text files with the extension .mel...

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