Tutorial by Examples: amp

Install Apache Web Server First step is to install web server Apache. sudo yum -y install httpd Once it is installed, enable (to run on startup) and start Apache web server service. sudo systemctl enable --now httpd Point your browser to: http://localhost You will see the default Apache web s...
A library based on NETStandard 1.6 would look like this: { "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.1", //nuget dependency }, "frameworks": { //frameworks the library is build for "netst...
NSE functions should be used in interactive programming. However, when developping new functions in a new package, it's better to use SE version. Load dplyr and lazyeval : library(dplyr) library(lazyeval) Filtering NSE version filter(mtcars, cyl == 8) filter(mtcars, cyl < 6) filter(mtca...
This example is used in specifying options that might not be included in a database of available housing and its attendant amenities. It builds on the previous example, with some differences: Two procedures are no longer necessary for a single combo box, done by combining the code into a single ...
This shows you how to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection nuget package without the use of the WebHostBuilder from kestrel (e.g. when you want to build something else then a webApp): internal class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var services = new Se...
Here is a sample output: As you can seen above, it can be useful for creating stacked menus. Note that this sample is trivial. The two widgets have the same size constraints.
The grid layout is a powerful layout with which you can do an horizontal and vertical layout a once. example: #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QWidget> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> #inc...
To set up a simple hibernate project using XML for the configurations you need 3 files, hibernate.cfg.xml, a POJO for each entity, and a EntityName.hbm.xml for each entity. Here is an example of each using MySQL: hibernate.cfg.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &...
Here follows a example of what can be done with nested StackViews, giving the user the impression of a continuous scrolling experience using complex user interface elements or alignments.
The MIDI Thru is simple and easy to test. When working properly you will be able to install your Arduino project between two MIDI devices, MIDI IN to MIDI OUT and you will be able to verify that the two device operate together. If you have the ability to measure latency, you will see an increase d...
HERE Android Premium SDK samples Now available on Github! [https://github.com/heremaps/here-android-sdk-examples][1] HERE iOS Premium SDK samples Now available on Github! [https://github.com/heremaps/here-ios-sdk-examples][1] Please refer to the README.md on how to get started. Note the samples ...
In this example we will make a simple client and server with REQ-REP (request-reply) sockets. The client sends "Hello" to the server, which replies with "World". Server opens a ZeroMQ REP-socket on port 5555, reads requests on it, and replies with "World" to each reque...
this is the simple example of getting the hello world plain text message as output on calling the GET request. import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; @Path("/hello") public class HelloExample { @GET...
Example for a functional view to create an object. Excluding comments and blank lines, we need 15 lines of code: # imports from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from .models import SampleObject from .forms import SampleObjectForm # vie...
As stated above Functions are smaller procedures that contain small pieces of code which may be repetitive inside a Procedure. Functions are used to reduce redundancy in code. Similar to a Procedure, A function can be declared with or without an arguments list. Function is declared as a return ty...
This is a tutorial to create a hello world example: Used for this example: Android Studio 2.3; To Start use Android Studio to create a new Project with an empty activity. Then we add some simple functionality to the App that we can test: We add a button which when clicks displays "Hello World...
Assuming we have a working laravel application running in, say, "mylaravel.com",we want our application to show a "Hello World" message when we hit the URL http://mylaravel.com/helloworld . It involves the creation of two files (the view and the controller) and the modification o...
Source : MSDN https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb933993(v=sql.105).aspx
One of the tools for writing proper benchmark tests is JMH. Let's say we want to compare performance of searching an element in HashSet vs TreeSet. The easiest way to get JHM into your project - is to use maven and shade plugin. Also you can see pom.xml from JHM examples. <build> <pl...
button.Click +=async delegate { var MScanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner(); var Result = await MScanner.Scan(); if(Result == null) { return; } //get the bar code text here string BarcodeText = Result.text; }

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