Tutorial by Examples: at

var letters = null; char? letter = letters?[1]; Console.WriteLine("Second Letter is {0}",letter); //in the above example rather than throwing an error because letters is null //letter is assigned the value null
using st = System.Text; //allows you to access classes within this namespace such as StringBuilder //prefixing them with only the defined alias and not the full namespace. i.e: //... var sb = new st.StringBuilder(); //instead of var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
6.0 Allows you to import a specific type and use the type's static members without qualifying them with the type name. This shows an example using static methods: using static System.Console; // ... string GetName() { WriteLine("Enter your name."); return ReadLine(); } ...
Deprecated usage The ConfigurationSettings class was the original way to retrieve settings for an assembly in .NET 1.0 and 1.1. It has been superseded by the ConfigurationManager class and the WebConfigurationManager class. If you have two keys with the same name in the appSettings section of the ...
The ConfigurationManager class supports the AppSettings property, which allows you to continue reading settings from the appSettings section of a configuration file the same way as .NET 1.x supported. app.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration&gt...
Visual Studio helps manage user and application settings. Using this approach has these benefits over using the appSettings section of the configuration file. Settings can be made strongly typed. Any type which can be serialized can be used for a settings value. Application settings can be...
Starting from a new Settings class and custom configuration section: Add an application setting named ExampleTimeout, using the time System.Timespan, and set the value to 1 minute: Save the Project Properties, which saves the Settings tab entries, as well as re-generates the custom Settings cl...
A task can be created by directly instantiating the Task class... var task = new Task(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task code starting..."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("...task code ending!"); }); Console.WriteLine("Starting task..."); t...
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token; var task = new Task((state) => { int i = 1; var myCancellationToken = (CancellationToken)state; while(true) { Console.Write...
You can extend the functionality of existing yield methods by passing in one or more values or elements that could define a terminating condition within the function by calling a yield break to stop the inner loop from executing. public static IEnumerable<int> CountUntilAny(int start, HashSet...
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; namespace Demo { [Export(typeof(IUserProvider))] public sealed class UserProvider : IUserProvider { public ReadOnlyCollection<User> GetAllUsers() ...
6.0 As of C# 6.0, the await keyword can now be used within a catch and finally block. try { var client = new AsyncClient(); await client.DoSomething(); } catch (MyException ex) { await client.LogExceptionAsync(); throw; } finally { await client.CloseAsync(); } 5.06.0 P...
Unlike an expression lambda, a statement lambda can contain multiple statements separated by semicolons. delegate void ModifyInt(int input); ModifyInt addOneAndTellMe = x => { int result = x + 1; Console.WriteLine(result); }; Note that the statements are enclosed in braces {}. ...
Explicit interface implementation is necessary when you implement multiple interfaces who define a common method, but different implementations are required depending on which interface is being used to call the method (note that you don't need explicit implementations if multiple interfaces share t...
// Connect to a target server using your ConnectionMultiplexer instance IServer server = conn.GetServer("localhost", 6379); var seq = server.Keys(); IScanningCursor scanningCursor = (IScanningCursor)seq; // Use the cursor in some way...
It is possible to use multiple nested using statements without added multiple levels of nested braces. For example: using (var input = File.OpenRead("input.txt")) { using (var output = File.OpenWrite("output.txt")) { input.CopyTo(output); } // output is ...
public class SingletonClass { public static SingletonClass Instance { get; } = new SingletonClass(); private SingletonClass() { // Put custom constructor code here } } Because the constructor is private, no new instances of SingletonClass can be made by consum...
using System.Speech.Recognition; // ... SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); recognitionEngine.LoadGrammar(new DictationGrammar()); recognitionEngine.SpeechRecognized += delegate(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(&quot...
emails.Subscribe(email => Console.WriteLine("Email from {0} to {1}", email.From, email.To), cancellationToken);
Use the String.Format() method to replace one or more items in the string with the string representation of a specified object: String.Format("Hello {0} Foo {1}", "World", "Bar") //Hello World Foo Bar

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