Tutorial by Examples: bind

Sometimes when destructuring maps, you would like to bind the destructured values to their respective key name. Depending on the granularity of the data structure, using the standard destructuring scheme may be a little bit verbose. Let's say, we have a map based record like so : (def john {:lastn...
A common refrain in R goes along these lines: You should not have a bunch of related tables with names like DT1, DT2, ..., DT11. Iteratively reading and assigning to objects by name is messy. The solution is a list of tables of data! Such a list looks like set.seed(1) DT_list = lapply(setNam...
Databings are essential for working with XAML. The XAML dialect for UWP apps provides a type of binding: the {x:Bind} markup extension. Working with {Binding XXX} and {x:Bind XXX} is mostly equivalent, with the difference that the x:Bind extension works at compile time, which enables better debuggi...
Multi Binding is a feature exclusive for WPF development. It allows a binding to multiple values at once (typically used with a MultiValueConverter). <TextBox> <TextBox.Text> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}"> <Binding P...
When deploying RethinkDB in production, you want to either turn off or lock down the WebUI. This will only respond to localhost to access the WebUI allowing you to SSH Tunnel to the host machine and access it for diagnostics and troubleshooting. docker run -d \ -v host_data_path:/data \ ret...
This is an example of a package-info.java file that binds an XML namespace to a serializable Java class. This should be placed in the same package as the Java classes that should be serialized using the namespace. /** * A package containing serializable classes. */ @XmlSchema ( xmlns = ...
Considering a (post)model: public class User { public string FirstName { get; set; } public bool IsAdmin { get; set; } } With a view like so: @using (Html.BeginForm()) { @Html.EditorFor(model => model.FirstName) <input type="submit" value="Save" /...
In a statically typed language like F# we work with types well-known at compile-time. We consume external data sources in a type-safe manner using type providers. However, occassionally there's need to use late binding (like dynamic in C#). For instance when working with JSON documents that have...
The simplest way to get an event handler called on a key press is to connect the handler to the key-press-event signal. In this example, we register for the event for the whole window, but you can also register for individual widgets too. The most important part is the connection of the handler to ...
The number that follows the associativity information describes in what order the operators are applied. It must always be between 0 and 9 inclusive. This is commonly referred to as how tightly the operator binds. For example, consider the following fixity declarations (in base) infixl 6 + infixl ...
Pressing C-h a will run the emacs function apropos-command which makes emacs prompt for words (or a regexp) to search for. It will then show a buffer containing a list of names and descriptions related to that topic, including key bindings for each of the functions available via keystrokes. Pressin...
C-h k runs the function describe-key, which looks up the function mapped to the key strokes provided, and presents a description of the function which will be run when these keys are pressed. C-h c runs the function describe-key-briefly, which only displays the function name mapped to given key seq...
build.gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.3.0' compile 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding:rxbinding-appcompat-v7:0.4.0' } menu/menu.xml: <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.c...
Arrow functions are lexically scoped; this means that their this Binding is bound to the context of the surrounding scope. That is to say, whatever this refers to can be preserved by using an arrow function. Take a look at the following example. The class Cow has a method that allows for it to pr...
List comprehensions can introduce local bindings for variables to hold some interim values: [(x,y) | x <- [1..4], let y=x*x+1, even y] -- [(1,2),(3,10)] Same effect can be achieved with a trick, [(x,y) | x <- [1..4], y <- [x*x+1], even y] -- [(1,2),(3,10)] The let in list compr...
Ruby keeps track of local variables and self variable via an object called binding. We can get binding of a scope with calling Kernel#binding and evaluate string inside a binding via Binding#eval. b = proc do local_variable = :local binding end.call b.eval "local_variable" #=&gt...
Many bugs in knockout data binds are caused by undefined properties in a viewmodel. Knockout has two handy methods to retrieve the binding context of an HTML element: // Returns the binding context to which an HTMLElement is bound ko.contextFor(element); // Returns the viewmodel to which ...
Name binding is a concept that allows to say to a JAX-RS runtime that a specific filter or interceptor will be executed only for a specific resource method. When a filter or an interceptor is limited only to a specific resource method we say that it is name-bound. Filters and interceptors that do no...
With the bind command it is possible to define custom key bindings. The next example bind an Alt + w to >/dev/null 2>&1: bind '"\ew"':"\" >/dev/null 2>&1\"" If you want to execute the line immediately add \C-m (Enter) to it: bind '"\ew&quo...
Here is a generic ViewHolder class that you can use with any DataBinding layout. Here an instance of particular ViewDataBinding class is created using the inflated View object and DataBindingUtil utility class. import android.databinding.DataBindingUtil; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerVi...

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