Tutorial by Examples: build

Overview These instructions are for acquiring, building, and installing openssl from source. Openssl is usually included in package managers as well. Resources https://github.com/openssl/openssl Dependencies make perl 5 gcc/clang git Dependencies can be installed through a package mana...
A StringBuilder represents a series of characters, which unlike a normal string, are mutable. Often times there is a need to modify strings that we've already made, but the standard string object is not mutable. This means that each time a string is modified, a new string object needs to be created,...
The ProcessBuilder class makes it easy to send a command through the command line. All it requires is a List of Strings that make up the commands to be entered. You simply call the start() method on your ProcessBuilder instance to execute the command. If you have a program called Add.exe which take...
Specifying the -gui command line option when running an ANTLR grammar in the test rig will result in a window popping up with a visual representation of the parse tree. For example: Given the following grammar: JSON.g4 /** Taken from "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference" by Terence Parr */...
public string GetCustomerNamesCsv() { List<CustomerData> customerDataRecords = GetCustomerData(); // Returns a large number of records, say, 10000+ StringBuilder customerNamesCsv = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CustomerData record in customerDataRecords) { custom...
You can define central config info's in a separate gradle include file Centralizing dependencies via "dependencies.gradle" file a stand alone properties file Versioning your builds via "version.properties" file or do it with root gradle.properties file the project structu...
Since the release of Gradle 2.2, the use of the android-apt plugin is no longer used. The following method of setting up Dagger 2 should be used. For older version of Gradle, use the previous method shown below. For Gradle >= 2.2 dependencies { // apt command comes from the android-apt plu...
Eventually, when you're ready to release a version of your code to production, you'll need a .jar file to distribute. Intellij makes building JARs quite easy. First, navigate to File -> Project Structure and click on Artifacts: Click on the + button, and select JAR -> From modules with dep...
You can build the cross-platform "Hello World" C++ code, using Scons - A Python-language software construction tool. First, create a file called SConstruct (note that SCons will look for a file with this exact name by default). For now, the file should be in a directory right along your h...
go build will compile a program into an executable file. To demonstrate, we will use a simple Hello World example main.go: package main import fmt func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") } Compile the program: go build main.go build creates an executable program...
Intent: Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations Builder pattern is useful when you have few mandatory attributes and many optional attributes to construct a object. To create an object with dif...
You can find the Android Sample in [SFML_ROOT]\examples\android You can copy it to leave the SFML repository in it's original state. Open cmd.exe in the sample location. To get a list of all available Android build targets: android list target Run Update Project for the Sample: android upda...
First obtain the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces nuget before continuing. var workspace = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild.MSBuildWorkspace.Create(); var project = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFilePath); var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync(); foreach (var diag...
Programmatically generating a String is best accomplished with a StringBuffer. A StringBuffer doesn't generate a new String object until toString() is called. var sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.write("Use a StringBuffer"); sb.writeAll(["for ", "efficient ", "stri...
Let us first create a simple .proto file person.proto package Protocol; message Person { required string firstName = 1; required string lastName = 2; optional int32 age = 3; } After saving we can now create the Haskell files which we can use in our project by running ...
Build: xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa \ -archivePath "/Users/username/Desktop/MyiOSApp.xcarchive" \ -exportPath "/Users/username/Desktop/MyiOSApp.ipa" \ -exportProvisioningProfile "MyCompany Distribution Profile" Archive: xcodebuild -pro...
New build systems can be created from the menu (Tools | Build System | New Build System). { "shell_cmd": "somecommand -u \"$file\"", "result_file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(.*?)\"", "result_line_regex": "^[ ]*File ...
To build up an expression like _ => _.Field == "VALUE" at runtime. Given a predicate _ => _.Field and a string value "VALUE", create an expression that tests whether or not the predicate is true. The expression is suitable for: IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>...
avg_fragmentation_in_percent valueCorrective statement>5% and < = 30%REORGANIZE>30%REBUILD ALTER INDEX IX_NonClustered ON tableName REORGANIZE; ALTER INDEX ALL ON Production.Product REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ON);
Rebuilding indexes is done using the following statement ALTER INDEX All ON tableName REBUILD; This drops the index and recreates it, removing fragementation, reclaims disk space and reorders index pages. One can also reorganize an index using ALTER INDEX All ON tableName REORGANIZE; which ...

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