Tutorial by Examples: call

Imagine you are on the master branch and something is not working as expected (a regression was introduced), but you don't know where. All you know is, that is was working in the last release (which was e.g., tagged or you know the commit hash, lets take old-rel here). Git has help for you, finding...
Sometimes you need to call a Tcl command from your expression. For example, supposing you need the length of a string in it. To do that, you just use a [...] sequence in the expression: set halfTheStringLength [expr { [string length $theString] / 2 }] You can call any Tcl command this way, but i...
This option enables the use of call profiling for code optimizations. Profiling records useful runtime statistics specific to the application and can—in many cases—increase performance because JVM can then act on those statistics. Note: This option is supported with the JRockit JVM R27.3.0 and la...
In order to use libraries in CodeIgniter, you need to create a library. class Pro { function show_hello_world() { return 'Hello World'; } } In this library, which is called is pro.php, this file must be added to the following path. Path: \xampp\htdocs\project\application\librarie...
Syntax $this->load->model('model_name'); $this->model_name->method_name(); Practice $this->load->model('home_model'); $this->home_model->get_data();
Applying css intuitively doesn't produce the desired results because vertical-align:middle isn't applicable to block-level elements margin-top:auto and margin-bottom:auto used values would compute as zero margin-top:-50% percentage-based margin values are calculated relative to the width of ...
If you get an error like this: Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on boolean in C:\xampp\htdocs\stack\index.php on line 7 Other variations include something along the lines of: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given... These errors mean that t...
class Users::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController include OmniConcern %w[facebook twitter gplus linkedin].each do |meth| define_method(meth) do create end end end Note: In the part “%w[facebook twitter gplus linkedin]”, you should list ...
devise_for :users, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: 'users/omniauth_callbacks'}
To improve memory allocation performance, many TensorFlow users often use tcmalloc instead of the default malloc() implementation, as tcmalloc suffers less from fragmentation when allocating and deallocating large objects (such as many tensors). Some memory-intensive TensorFlow programs have been kn...
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "os" "text/template" ) var requestTemplate string = ` {{range $i, $url := .URLs}} {{ $url }} {{(status_code $url)}} {{ end }}` type Requests struct { URLs []string } func main() {...
ShortcutDescriptionCtrl + rsearch the history backwardsCtrl + pprevious command in historyCtrl + nnext command in historyCtrl + gquit history searching modeAlt + .use the last word of the previous commandrepeat to get the last word of the previous + 1 commandAlt + n Alt + .use the nth word of the pr...
When working with existing model that is quite big and is being regenerated quite often in cases where abstraction needed it might be costly to manually go around redecorating model with interfaces. In such cases one might want to add some dynamic behavior to model generation. Following example wil...
If your team is following a rebase-based workflow, it may be a advantageous to setup git so that each newly created branch will perform a rebase operation, instead of a merge operation, during a git pull. To setup every new branch to automatically rebase, add the following to your .gitconfig or .gi...
You can call an instance method using the . special form: (.trim " hello ") ;;=> "hello" You can call instance methods with arguments like this: (.substring "hello" 0 2) ;;=> "he"
You can call static methods like this: (System/currentTimeMillis) ;;=> 1469493415265 Or pass in arguments, like this: (System/setProperty "foo" "42") ;;=> nil (System/getProperty "foo") ;;=> "42"
You can call a Clojure function from Java code by looking up the function and invoking it: IFn times = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "*"); times.invoke(2, 2); This looks up the * function from the clojure.core namespace and invokes it with the arguments 2 & 2.
This is an example of something that would have been straight up impossible with labels. If you execute the same label multiple times at the same time and they rely on variables that are being defined within them, they very likely interfere and cause unexpected behavior. Here is how to do it with f...
SimpleDateFormatter is great in a pinch, but like the name suggests it doesn't scale well. If you hard-code "MM/dd/yyyy" all over your application your international users won't be happy. Let Java do the work for you Use the static methods in DateFormat to retrieve the right formatting ...
Example: Invoke different constructors by passing relevant parameters import java.lang.reflect.*; class NewInstanceWithReflection{ public NewInstanceWithReflection(){ System.out.println("Default constructor"); } public NewInstanceWithReflection( String a){ ...

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