Tutorial by Examples: chai

As usual, we first need a CFDictionary to represent the item we want to update. This must contain all of the old values for the item, including the old private data. Then it takes a CFDictionary of any attributes or the data itself that you would like to change. So first, let's construct a class ke...
We need only one thing in order to delete an item from the Keychain: a CFDictionary with attributes describing the items to be deleted. Any items that match the query dictionary will be deleted permanently, so if you are only intending to delete a single item be sure to be specific with your query. ...
Keychain.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> typedef void (^KeychainOperationBlock)(BOOL successfulOperation, NSData *data, OSStatus status); @interface Keychain : NSObject -(id) initWithService:(NSString *) service_ withGroup:(NSString*)group_; -(void)insertKey:(NSString *)key with...
Just like in C, Rust raw pointers can point to other raw pointers (which in turn may point to further raw pointers). // Take a regular string slice let planet: &str = "Earth"; // Create a constant pointer pointing to our string slice let planet_ptr: *const &str = &planet ...
Dim exStr : exStr = " <Head>data</Head> " Dim res res = Ucase(Replace(Mid(exStr, instr(exStr, ">")+1,4), "ata", "ark")) 'res now equals DARK 'instr(exStr, ">") returns 7 'Mid(" <Head>data</Head> ", 7+1,...
Since ConstraintLayout alpha 9, Chains are available. A Chain is a set of views inside a ConstraintLayout that are connected in a bi-directional way between them, i.e A connected to B with a constraint, and B connected to A with another constraint. Example: <android.support.constraint.Constrain...
Install from npm chai, chai-immutable, and ts-node npm install --save-dev chai chai-immutable ts-node Install types for mocha and chai npm install --save-dev @types/mocha @types/chai Write simple test file: import {List, Set} from 'immutable'; import * as chai from 'cha...
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var router = express.Router(); app.route('/user') .get(function (req, res) { res.send('Get a random user') }) .post(function (req, res) { res.send('Add a user') }) .put(function (req, res) { res.send...
Suppose the following matrix is the transition probability matrix associated with a Markov chain. 0.5 0.2 0.3 P= 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 In order to study the nature of the states of a Markov chain, a state transition diagram of the Markov chain is drawn. \documentclass[12pt...
IMPORTANT This is just an example code, do not use in production. In order to download an header chain we have to send a getHeaders message. In this example we will require as much as possible headers after the 40000th one.The peer will respond with batch of 2000 headers so, we have to take the la...
In object-oriented design, the chain-of-responsibility pattern is a design pattern consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains logic that defines the types of command objects that it can handle; the rest are passed to the next proce...
This works, but there are a couple of things we need to do for our plugin to survive in the real world. One of jQuery's features is chaining, when you link five or six actions onto one selector. This is accomplished by having all jQuery object methods return the original jQuery object again (there a...
&& chains two commands. The second one runs only if the first one exits with success. || chains two commands. But second one runs only if first one exits with failure. [ a = b ] && echo "yes" || echo "no" # if you want to run more commands within a logical c...
A semicolon separates just two commands. echo "i am first" ; echo "i am second" ; echo " i am third"
The | takes the output of the left command and pipes it as input the right command. Mind, that this is done in a subshell. Hence you cannot set values of vars of the calling process wihtin a pipe. find . -type f -a -iname '*.mp3' | \ while read filename; do mute --noise &quot...
Step 1: Create your GitHub account If you already have a GitHub account, please proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, please follow below: 1.a Go to Github page. 1.b Enter your desired username, your email address and then your desired password. Afterwards, click the Sign up for GitHub button. Step 2:...
For registration like this: var container = new WindsorContainer(); container.Register( Component.For<FirstInterceptor>(), Component.For<SecondInterceptor>(), Component.For<ThirdInterceptor>(), Component.For<IService>() .ImplementedBy<Servi...
Keychain allows to save items with special SecAccessControl attribute which will allow to get item from Keychain only after user will be authenticated with Touch ID (or passcode if such fallback is allowed). App is only notified whether the authentication was successful or not, whole UI is managed b...
If you have multiple asynchronous tasks that needs to occur one after the other, you will need to chain together their promise objects. Here is a simple example: function First() { console.log("Calling Function First"); return $.get("/ajax/GetFunction/First"); } fu...
The andThen function allows update call composition. Can be used with the pipeline operator (|>) to chain updates. Example: You are making a document editor, and you want that each modification message you send to your document, you also save it: import Update.Extra exposing (andThen) import U...

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