We need only one thing in order to delete an item from the Keychain: a CFDictionary
with attributes describing the items to be deleted. Any items that match the query dictionary will be deleted permanently, so if you are only intending to delete a single item be sure to be specific with your query. As always, we can use an NSDictionary
in Objective-C or in Swift we can use a Dictionary
and then cast to CFDictionary
A query dictionary, in this context exclusively includes a class key to describe what the item is and attributes to describe information about the item. Inclusion of search restrictions such as kSecMatchCaseInsensitive
is not allowed.
var dict = [String : AnyObject]()
dict[kSecClass as String] = kSecClassGenericPassword
// Label
dict[kSecAttrLabel as String] = "com.me.myapp.myaccountpassword" as CFString
// Username
dict[kSecAttrAccount as String] = "My Name" as CFString
And now we can simply remove it:
let status = SecItemDelete(dict as CFDictionary)
returns an OSStatus
. Result codes are described here.