Tutorial by Examples: code

How we can use jenkins in our SalesForce product development. What are the tools plugins are available for Jenkins Integration How to solve CI configuration issue.....etc
Create a console application. Install EntityFramework nuget package by running Install-Package EntityFramework in "Package Manager Console" Add your connection string in app.config file , It's important to include providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" in your connection. Cre...
As java provide two different commands to compile and run Java code. Same as Kotlin also provide you different commands. javac to compile java files. java to run java files. Same as kotlinc to compile kotlin files kotlin to run kotlin files.
Once you have a stream Format Context and its respective Codec, you can open it for decoding using the following code: // The format context and codec, given - see Find a stream for how to get these AVFormatContext *formatContext; AVCodec* codec; int streamIndex; // Get the codec context AVC...
Given a codec context and encoded packets from a media stream, you can start decoding media into raw frames. To decode a single frame, you can use the following code: // A codec context, and some encoded data packet from a stream/file, given. AVCodecContext *codecContext; // See Open a codec cont...
Prior to iOS 7 when you want to scan a QR code, we might need to rely on third party frameworks or libraries like zBar or zXing. But Apple introduced AVCaptureMetaDataOutput from iOS 7 for reading barcodes. To read QR code using AVFoundation we need to setup/create AVCaptureSession and use captureO...
Here's an example with the technique(hack) invented by the dostips forums' user Liviu: @echo off echo Printed by CMD.EXE cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:JS //job:VBS exit /b %errorlevel% ----END OF BATCH CODE--- <package> <job id="JS"> <script...
Thanks to encoders and decoders, the JSR 356 offers a object oriented communication models. Messages definition Let's assume all received messages have to be transformed by the server before being sent back to all connected sessions: public abstract class AbstractMsg { public abstract void t...
To make your APK file as small as possible, you should enable shrinking to remove unused code and resources in your release build. This page describes how to do that and how to specify what code and resources to keep or discard during the build. Code shrinking is available with ProGuard, which dete...
As recently Apple rolled out iOS11 and Xcode-9, we can now debug apps on devices without connecting devices to Xcode through USB. We can take advantage of wireless debugging feature added to this Xcode-9. To enable wireless debugging, we have to configure some steps in Xcode. 1 First connect the ...
In spreadsheet cell A1, we have the following Arabic pangram: صِف خَلقَ خَودِ كَمِثلِ الشَمسِ إِذ بَزَغَت — يَحظى الضَجيعُ بِها نَجلاءَ مِعطارِ VBA provides the AscW and ChrW functions to work with multi-byte character codes. We can also use Byte arrays to manipulate the string variable directly: ...
Firstly you need to download and install the VSCode. This VSCode latest version is available for download in its Official website . After download the VSCode you should install and open it. Introduction of Extensions in VSCode VSCode is a open editor so it provide editor for all languages but ...
VsCode is unable to create the ionic project because it is a code editor.So you can create your ionic project by CLI or cmd. create your project by below command $ ionic start appName blank Above command use to create blank template ionic application. Ionic2 provide three type of templates blank...
I wrote a simple C code foo.c int main() { int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { j = i + 1; } return 0; } When compiled with -O0 i.e. by disabling all compiler optimizations $ gcc -o foo.S foo.c -O0 -S I got this: .file "foo.c&...
To shelve an object, first import the module and then assign the object value as follows: import shelve database = shelve.open(filename.suffix) object = Object() database['key'] = object
Let’s Take an Example with Structure of Movie, here we have defined the structure as Codable. So, We can encode and decode it easily. struct Movie: Codable { enum MovieGenere: String, Codable { case horror, skifi, comedy, adventure, animation } var name : String v...
animated_android_dialog_box.xml <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" android:padding="16dp"> &...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Mat image; image = imread("C:\Users\Development\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\ImageIn.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // Read the file if (!image.data)...
You can run the current chunk by clicking Run current Chunk (green play button) present on the right side of the chunk. Alternatively we can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Enter (OS X: Cmd + Shift + Enter) The output from all the lines in the chunk will appear beneath the chunk. Splitting Co...
Code Block TypeGlobal NamespaceLocal NamespaceModulen.s. for the modulesame as globalScript (file or command)n.s. for __main__same as globalInteractive commandn.s. for __main__same as globalClass definitionglobal n.s. of containing blocknew namespaceFunction bodyglobal n.s. of containing blocknew na...

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