Tutorial by Examples: connect

const MongoDB = require('mongodb'); MongoDB.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/databaseName') .then(function(database) { const collection = database.collection('collectionName'); return collection.insert({key: 'value'}); }) .then(function(result) { co...
There are many fine ways to get this done, which others have already suggested. Following along the "get Excel data via SQL track", here are some pointers. Excel has the "Data Connection Wizard" which allows you to import or link from another data source or even within the very ...
Achieving multitenancy on database server with multiple databases hosted on it. Multitenancy is common requirement of enterprise application nowadays and creating connection pool for each database in database server is not recommended. so, what we can do instead is create connection pool with datab...
Imports System.Data.OleDb Private WithEvents _connection As OleDbConnection Private _connectionString As String = "myConnectionString" Public ReadOnly Property Connection As OleDbConnection Get If _connection Is Nothing Then _co...
Make sure to have mongodb running first! mongod --dbpath data/ package.json "dependencies": { "mongoose": "^4.5.5", } server.js (ECMA 6) import mongoose from 'mongoose'; mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/stackoverflow-example'); const db = mon...
HttpClient httpClient = new StdHttpClient.Builder(). url("http://yourcouchdbhost:5984"). username("admin"). password("password"). build(); CouchDbInstance dbInstance = new StdCouchDbInstance(httpClient);
Given you have a valid CouchDbInstance instance, you connect to a database within CouchDB in the following manner CouchDbConnector connector = dbInstance.createConnector("databaseName", true);
const r = require("rethinkdb"); r.connect({host: 'localhost', port: 28015}, (conn) => console.log(conn)) // Or as a promise let rdb_conn; r.connect({host: 'localhost', port: 28015}).then((conn) => { rdb_conn = conn; }).then(() => { // Continue to use rdb_conn }); ...
How to implement FirebaseRealTime database in android application. Following is the steps for do it. First install firebase sdk, If you dont know how to install then following is the URL for help. Install Firebase SDK After thet register your project in firbase console, URL of the firbas...
When ever a user connects to your hub, the OnConnected() is called. You can over ride this function and implement your own logic if you need to keep track of or limit the number of connections public override Task OnConnected() { //you logic here return base.OnConnected()...
Overloading the disconnect function allows you to handle what to do when a user disconnects. public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled) { //Your disconnect logic here return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled); }
/// <summary> /// Overrides the onDisconnected function and sets the user object to offline, this can be checked when other players interacts with them... /// </summary> /// <param name="stopCalled"></param> /// <returns></returns&gt...
When the temp table is created by itself, it will remain while the connection is open. // Widget has WidgetId, Name, and Quantity properties public async Task PurchaseWidgets(IEnumerable<Widget> widgets) { using(var conn = new SqlConnection("{connection string}")) { ...
Accounts on crates.io are created by logging in with GitHub; you cannot sign up with any other method. To connect your GitHub account to crates.io, click the 'Login with GitHub' button in the top menu bar and authorise crates.io to access your account. This will then log you in to crates.io, assumi...
Use >-> to connect Producers, Consumers and Pipes to compose larger Pipe functions. printNaturals :: MonadIO m => Effect m () printNaturals = naturalsUntil 10 >-> intToStr >-> fancyPrint Producer, Consumer, Pipe, and Effect types are all defined in terms of the general Prox...
Define parameters private static IMongoClient _client; private static IMongoDatabase _database; private static IMongoCollection< -collection class name- > _collection; Assign values to parameters _client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); _database = _client.GetD...
First, ensure you have installed mongodb and express via npm. Then, in a file conventionally titled db.js, use the following code: var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient var state = { db: null, } exports.connect = function(url, done) { if (state.db) return done() M...
Introduction Texas Instruments' (TI) CC26XX series SoCs are readily available wireless MCUs targeting Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications. Along with the MCUs, TI offers a full-fledged software stack that provides necessary API and sample codes to help quickly get developers started with the to...
For BLE slave devices to do any useful work, the GPIOs of the wireless MCU are almost always involved. For instance, to read temperature from an external sensor, the ADC functionality of GPIO pins may be required. TI's CC2640 MCU features a maximum of 31 GPIOs, given different packaging types. In t...
extern crate gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk::{Window, WindowType, Label, Entry, Box as GtkBox, Orientation}; fn main() { if gtk::init().is_err() { println!("Failed to initialize GTK."); return; } let window = Window::new(WindowType::Toplevel); ...

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