Tutorial by Examples: connect

To do anything with an IMAP account you need to connect to it first. To do this you need to specify some required parameters: The server name or IP address of the mail server The port you wish to connect on IMAP is 143 or 993 (secure) POP is 110 or 995 (secure) SMTP is 25 or 465 (secure) N...
To connect to a server we must use SSH on the client as follows, # ssh -p port user@server-address port - The listening ssh port of the server (default port 22). user - Must be an existing user on the server with SSH privileges. server address - The IP/Domain of the server. For a real wor...
Creating a connection According to PEP 249, the connection to a database should be established using a connect() constructor, which returns a Connection object. The arguments for this constructor are database dependent. Refer to the database specific topics for the relevant arguments. import MyDBA...
Assuming a default server running on localhost with the default port, the command to connect to that Redis server would be: $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379);
To connect to a mongo database from node application we require mongoose. Installing Mongoose Go to the toot of your application and install mongoose by npm install mongoose Next we connect to the database. var mongoose = require('mongoose'); //connect to the test database running on defau...
A C program that wishes to accept network connections (act as a "server") should first create a socket bound to the address "INADDR_ANY" and call listen on it. Then, it can call accept on the server socket to block until a client connects. //Create the server socket int servsoc...
POSIX.1-2008 Given the name of a server as a string, char* servername, and a port number, int port, the following code creates and opens a socket connected to that server. The "name" of the server can either be a DNS name, such as "www.stackoverflow.com," or an IP address in sta...
First we must edit the SSH daemon config file. Though under different Linux distributions this may be located in different directories, usually it is stored under /etc/ssh/sshd_config Use your text editor to change the values set in this file, all lines starting with # are commented out and must ha...
Using PostgreSQLnpm module. install dependency from npm npm install pg --save Now you have to create a PostgreSQL connection, which you can later query. Assume you Database_Name = students, Host = localhost and DB_User= postgres var pg = require("pg") var connectionString = &q...
If you want to use connection object for query database you can use this sample code. var queryString = "SELECT name, age FROM students " ; var query = client.query(queryString); query.on("row", (row, result)=> { result.addRow(row); }); query.on("end", func...
Best way to connect amazon redshift using JDBC , Use proper driver as per version http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/configure-jdbc-connection.html Step-1: npm install jdbc Step-2: var JDBC = require('jdbc'); var jinst = require('jdbc/lib/jinst'); // isJvmCreated will be true afte...
from pymongo import MongoClient uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/" client = MongoClient(uri) db = client['test_db'] # or # db = client.test_db # collection = db['test_collection'] # or collection = db.test_collection collection.save({"hello":"world"...
Connecting to Cassandra is very similar to connecting to other datasources. With Cassandra, credentials are not required. String cassandraIPAddress = ""; String cassandraKeyspace = "myKeyspace"; String username = "foo"; String password = "bar"; ...
public enum Cassandra { DB; private Session session; private Cluster cluster; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Cassandra.class); /** * Connect to the cassandra database based on the connection configuration provided. * Multiple c...
To debug a server instance, start in debug mode. To do so, configure these parameters to be passed to the server: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n to setenv.bat(Windows) or setenv.sh(Unix) These initialize the server in debug mode, and listen for debug reque...
The following example is tested on Windows 8 pro 64-bit operating system with python 2.7 and scrapy v 1.2. Let assume that we have already installed the scrapy framework. MySQL database that we will use in the following tutorial CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrapy_items` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGN...
Install the package: $ pip install pymssql import pymssql SERVER = "servername" USER = "username" PASSWORD = "password" DATABASE = "dbname" connection = pymssql.connect(server=SERVER, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, database=DATABASE...
This error message may be produced by the OpenSSH ssh client. It means that the TCP connection between the client and the server was abnormally closed by the server immediately after being accepted. Common reasons for this message include: The SSH server process is malfunctioning--for example, it...
This error message may be produced by the OpenSSH ssh client. It means that the TCP connection between the client and the server was closed by the server immediately after being accepted. This message generally indicates the SSH server has been configured not to accept connections from the client fo...

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