Tutorial by Examples: control

A form gives the user a way to change data in your application, in a structured way. To mutate a simple array of data, we create a form using a form builder: use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\NumberType; use Symfony\Component\F...
Create a basic application with single view application template with swift as language Add SWRevealViewController.h and SWRevealViewController.m then click on Create Bridging Header button and add #import "SWRevealViewController.h" on the Bridging header Then select viewControll...
Assumptions: TableView - reference to the TableView DataSource - is a class which inherits UITableViewSource DataSource.Objects - is a public List< object >(), accessible to the UIViewController private UIRefreshControl refreshControl; public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.V...
When using Autolayout with a UIScrollView, it does NOT resize properly depending on the size of its contents or subviews. In order to get a UIScrollView to automatically scroll when its contents become too large to fit in the visible area, we need to add a ContentView and some constraints that allo...
In Tcl, a control structure is basically just another command. This is one possible implementation of a do ... while / do ... until control structure. proc do {body keyword expression} { uplevel 1 $body switch $keyword { while {uplevel 1 [list while $expression $body]} u...
To add a child view controller: - (void)displayContentController:(UIViewController *)vc { [self addChildViewController:vc]; vc.view.frame = self.view.frame; [self.view addSubview:vc.view]; [vc didMoveToParentViewController:self]; } To remove a child view controller: - (void)hid...
<?php use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class TestController extends Controller { //Inject Request HTTP Component in your function then able to exploit it public function myFunctionAction(Request $request) {...
If you are using library that contains (for example) AwesomeViewController with a wrong status bar color you can try this: let awesomeViewController = AwesomeViewController() awesomeViewController.navigationBar.barStyle = .blackTranslucent // or other style
SoundEffect.Play() plays the sound effect in a "fire-and-forget" fashion. The sound plays once and its lifetime is managed by the framework. You are not able to change the properties (volume, pan, pitch) of the sound during playback, loop it, position it in 3D or pause it. You can hold a ...
Sometimes we need to accept route params as well as access the HTTP Request params. We can still type hint the Requests class in laravel controller and achieve that as explained below E.g. We have a route that update a certain post like this (passing post id i route ) Route::put('post/{id}', 'Post...
// application/controllers/Company_controller.php <?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Company_controller extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('companies_mo...
C++11 The alignas keyword can be used to force a variable, class data member, declaration or definition of a class, or declaration or definition of an enum, to have a particular alignment, if supported. It comes in two forms: alignas(x), where x is a constant expression, gives the entity the ali...
To get started with unit testing, which will be done in the tests file and will be testing the View Controller and Storyboard, we should introduce these two files to the test file. Defining the View Controller Swift var viewController : ViewController! Introducing the Storyboard and initializi...
Objective-C NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"YOUR URL"]; // url can be remote or local AVPlayer *player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:url]; // create a player view controller AVPlayerViewController *controller = [[AVPlayerViewController alloc] init]; [self presentViewC...
<Image x:Name="MyImage" /> // Show image from web MyImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://your-image-url.com")) // Show image from solution MyImage.Source = new Uri("ms-appx:///your-image-in-solution", UriKind.Absolute) // Show image from file ...
<TextBlock x:Name="MyControl" Text="Hello, world!" /> var rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(); await rtb.RenderAsync(MyControl); // Render control to RenderTargetBitmap // Get pixels from RTB IBuffer pixelBuffer = await rtb.GetPixelsAsync(); byte[] pixels = ...
You can allow role to access some action on resource by: $acl->allow('Administrator', 'products', 'create'); You can deny role to access some action on resource by: $acl->deny('Customer', 'categories', 'create'); You can check if role is allowed to some action on resource by using: $a...
RxSwift provides not only the ways to control your data, but to represent user actions in a reactive way also. RxCocoa contains everything you need. It wraps most of the UI components' properties into Observables, but not really. There are some upgraded Observables called ControlEvents (which repre...
A Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects. You can pass the bundle to the FXMLLoader during its creation. The controller must implement Initializable interface and override initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) method. The second parameter to this method is ResourceBundle which...
There is a mantra that some Java experts are wont to recite: "Exceptions should only be used for exceptional cases." (For example: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/184654 ) The essence of this is that is it is a bad idea (in Java) to use exceptions and exception handli...

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