Tutorial by Examples: dc

Converting an integer type to the corresponding promoted type is better than converting it to some other integer type. void f(int x); void f(short x); signed char c = 42; f(c); // calls f(int); promotion to int is better than conversion to short short s = 42; f(s); // calls f(short); exact mat...
Swift webview.reload() Objective-C [webview reload];
A Button directive which accepts an @Input() to specify a click limit until the button gets disabled. The parent component can listen to an event which will be emitted when the click limit is reached via @Output: import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; @Component(...
This code makes sure that all nested containers are always the same height. This is done by assuring that all nested elements are the same height as the containing parrent div. See working example: https://jsfiddle.net/3wwh7ewp/ This effect is achieved due to the property align-items being set to...
Add a keystore using: keytool -genkey -v -keystore example.keystore -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 Note: This should be at root of project. Though not a hard requirement, it eases the file referencing Add a build.json with release/dev configuration for key...
When adding content from sources outside your domain, or from the local file system the canvas is marked as tainted. Attempt to access the pixel data, or convert to a dataURL will throw a security error. vr image = new Image(); image.src = "file://myLocalImage.png"; image.onload = funct...
A pointer to base class can be converted to a pointer to derived class using static_cast. static_cast does not do any run-time checking and can lead to undefined behaviour when the pointer does not actually point to the desired type. struct Base {}; struct Derived : Base {}; Derived d; Base* p1 ...
Docker volumes are not automatically removed when a container is stopped. To remove associated volumes when you stop a container: docker rm -v <container id or name> If the -v flag is not specified, the volume remains on-disk as a 'dangling volume'. To delete all dangling volumes: docker ...
(Copy an item and send the copies to every block that it’s linked to) Unlike BufferBlock, BroadcastBlock’s mission in life is to enable all targets linked from the block to get a copy of every element published, continually overwriting the “current” value with those propagated to it. Additionally,...
It's possible to send broadcast to BroadcastReceiver with adb. In this example we are sending broadcast with action com.test.app.ACTION and string extra in bundle 'foo'='bar': adb shell am broadcast -a action com.test.app.ACTION --es foo "bar" You can put any other supported type to b...
The Comparable<T> interface requires one method: public interface Comparable<T> { public int compareTo(T other); } And the Comparator<T> interface requires one method: public interface Comparator<T> { public int compare(T t1, T t2); } These two met...
Guard clauses enables us to check the arguments before executing the function. Guard clauses are usually preferred to if and cond due to their readability, and to make a certain optimization technique easier for the compiler. The first function definition where all guards match is executed. Here is...
Autoboxing can come at a substantial memory overhead. For example: Map<Integer, Integer> square = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for(int i = 256; i < 1024; i++) { square.put(i, i * i); // Autoboxing of large integers } will typically consume substantial amount of memory (...
Definition and Usage: The background-clip property specifies the painting area of the background. Default value: border-box Values border-box is the default value. This allows the background to extend all the way to the outside edge of the element's border. padding-box clips the background at ...
This script, from here and here, will return all Tables and Columns where a specified value exists. This is powerful in finding out where a certain value is in a database. It can be taxing, so it is suggested that it be executed in a backup / test enviroment first. DECLARE @SearchStr nvarchar(100) ...
docker network connect app-backend myAwesomeApp-1 This command attaches the myAwesomeApp-1 container to the app-backend network. When you add a container to a user-defined network, the embedded DNS resolver (which is not a full-featured DNS server, and is not exportable) allows each container on ...
We can get a comma delimited string from multiple rows using coalesce as shown below. Since table variable is used, we need to execute whole query once. So to make easy to understand, I have added BEGIN and END block. BEGIN --Table variable declaration to store sample records DECLARE @...
================== TODO: Link each of the drawing commands below to their individual examples. I don't know how to do this since the links to the individual examples point towards the "draft" folder. TODO: Add examples for these path "action" commands: stroke(), fill(), clip() ...
stdcall is used for 32-bit Windows API calls. Parameters Parameters are passed on the stack, with the first parameter closest to the top of the stack. The callee will pop these values off of the stack before returning. Return Value Scalar return values are placed in EAX. Saved and Clobbered Re...
Send a 304 Not Modified response status from the server send in response to a client request that contains headers If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match, if the request resource hasn’t changed. For example if a client request for a web page includes the header If-Modified-Since: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 14:3...

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