Tutorial by Examples: dev

If you want to set some alias name to installed node version, do: nvm alias <name> <version> Similary to unalias, do: nvm unalias <name> A proper usecase would be, if you want to set some other version than stable version as default alias. default aliased versions are loade...
First, make sure your app can be backed up in AndroidManifest.xml, i.e. android:allowBackup is not false. Backup command: adb -s <device_id> backup -noapk <sample.package.id> Create a tar with dd command: dd if=backup.ab bs=1 skip=24 | python -c "import zlib,sys;sys.stdout.wri...
Building project dependencies can sometimes be a tedious task. Instead of publishing a package version to NPM and installing the dependency to test the changes, use npm link. npm link creates a symlink so the latest code can be tested in a local environment. This makes testing global tools and proje...
Introduction: Swagger is a set of rules/specifications for a format describing REST APIs. It provides a powerful and actively developed ecosystem of tools around this formal specification like code generators and editors. The best part of Swagger is that the documentation of methods, parameters, an...
While working on the development of an R package it is often necessary to install the latest version of the package. This can be achieved by first building a source distribution of the package (on the command line) R CMD build my_package and then installing it in R. Any running R sessions with p...
With AspNetCore you can develop the application on any platform including Mac,Linux,Window and Docker. Installation and SetUp Install visual Studio Code from here Add C# extesnion Install dot net core sdk. You can install from here Now you have all the tools available. To develop the applic...
To install DevExpress .NET products on your development machine, it is first necessary to obtain the DevExpress .NET Products Installer. You can download it from the http://www.devexpress.com website in one of the following ways, based on the status of your current account. Download the Trial ...
A chrome extension is seperated into a maximum of 4 parts: the background page the popup page one or more content scripts the options page Each part, since they are innately separate, require individual debugging. Keep in mind that these pages are separate, meaning that variables are not d...
import serial #Serial takes these two parameters: serial device and baudrate ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
This is an example on how to control PHP error logging in a virtual host site for development and debugging. Assumptions The PHP module has been installed. Development environment is not for production. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example.com DocumentRoot /var/www/domains/e...
An observable is created from the TextChanged event of the TextBox. Also any input is only selected if it's different from the last input and if there was no input within 0.5 seconds. The output in this example is sent to the console. Observable .FromEventPattern(textBoxInput, "TextChan...
Save aps.cer to a folder Open "Keychain access" and export the key that is under that certificate to a .p12 file (call it key.p12). To do that right click on it and choose Export. Save it to the same folder as step 1. On export you will be prompted for a password. Make something u...
SELECT DISTINCT o.name AS Object_Name,o.type_desc FROM sys.sql_modules m INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON m.object_id=o.object_id WHERE m.definition Like '%myField%' ORDER BY 2,1 Will find mentions of myField in SProcs, Views, etc.
The quickest way to get started with Watson services is to use the Watson Developer Cloud SDKs. The following GitHub repositories contain installation instructions and basic usage examples: Android iOS Java Node.js Python Unity For example, here's how to make an AlchemyLanguage API call w...
Add a :cljsbuild node like the following to your project.clj file. :cljsbuild { :builds { ;;Different target goals should have different names. ;;We have the dev build here :dev { ;;The ClojureScript c...
After you obtained BluetoothDevice, you can communicate with it. This kind of communication performed by using socket input\output streams: Those are the basic steps for Bluetooth communication establishment: 1) Initialize socket: private BluetoothSocket _socket; //... public InitializeSock...
The BluetoothLE API was introduced in API 18. However, the way of scanning devices has changed in API 21. The searching of devices must start with defining the service UUID that is to be scanned (either officailly adopted 16-bit UUID's or proprietary ones). This example illustrates, how to make an A...
File Structure: pom.xml src/test/java/PlayStoreAutomation.java Launch command: mvn test -Dtest=PlayStoreAutomation PlayStoreAutomation.java import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver; import i...
The documentation for docker events provides details, but when debugging it may be useful to launch a container and be notified immediately of any related event: docker run... & docker events --filter 'container=$(docker ps -lq)' In docker ps -lq, the l stands for last, and the q for quiet. Th...
Basic architecture examples on how development for embedded systems works (i.e. IDEs, cross-compiling, downloading, in-line debugging, JTAG,...) and what would be the minimum requirements for starting. It would be worth mentioning different approaches and platforms from begginers-higher level to ad...

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