Tutorial by Examples: df

While Runnable provides a means to wrap code to be executed in a different thread, it has a limitation in that it cannot return a result from the execution. The only way to get some return value from the execution of a Runnable is to assign the result to a variable accessible in a scope outside of t...
Here are simplified steps (based on the official documentation) required to create a Firebase project and connect it with an Android app. Add Firebase to your app Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console and click Create New Project. Click Add Firebase to your Android app and fol...
FOREIGN KEY columns with constraint can be added on existing tables that are still not in relationship. Imagine that we have Company and Employee tables where Employee table don't have CompanyId column. ALTER TABLE statement enables you to add new column with foreign key constraint that references ...
If you're using an icon to add some extra decoration or branding, it does not need to be announced to users as they are navigating your site or app aurally. Additionally, if you're using an icon to visually re-emphasize or add styling to content already present in your HTML, it does not need to be r...
In addition to image classification datasets, Caffe also have "HDF5Data" layer for arbitrary inputs. This layer requires all training/validation data to be stored in hdf5 format files. This example shows how to use python h5py module to construct such hdf5 file and how to setup caffe &quo...
echo off cls sqlcmd.exe -S "your server name" -U "sql user name" -P "sql password" -d "name of databse" -Q "here you may write your query/stored procedure" Batch files like these can be used to automate tasks, for example to make backups of ...
KafkaConsumers request messages from a Kafka broker via a call to poll() and their progress is tracked via offsets. Each message within each partition of each topic, has a so-called offset assigned—its logical sequence number within the partition. A KafkaConsumer tracks its current offset for each p...
WTForms provides a FileField to render a file type input. It doesn't do anything special with the uploaded data. However, since Flask splits the form data (request.form) and the file data (request.files), you need to make sure to pass the correct data when creating the form. You can use a Combine...
Let's assume that the field separator is : arr=() while IFS= read -d : -r field || [ -n "$field" ]; do arr+=("$field") done <file
Let's assume that the field separator is : var='1:2:3:4: newline' arr=() while IFS= read -d : -r field || [ -n "$field" ]; do arr+=("$field") done <<< "$var" echo "${arr[4]}" Output: newline
Let's assume that the field separator is : while IFS= read -d : -r field || [ -n "$field" ];do echo "**$field**" done < <(ping google.com) Or with a pipe: ping google.com | while IFS= read -d : -r field || [ -n "$field" ];do echo "**$field**&q...
The following function reads an entire file into a new string and returns it: (defun read-file (infile) (with-open-file (instream infile :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil) (when instream (let ((string (make-string (file-length instream)))) (read-sequence string instr...
.intel_syntax noprefix .data .align 16 hello_msg: .asciz "Hello, World!" .text .global _main _main: push rbp mov rbp, rsp lea rdi, [rip+hello_msg] call _puts xor rax, rax leave ret Assemble: clang main.s -o hello ./hello Not...
The dependencies for your projects are specified in a single text file called a Podfile. CocoaPods will resolve dependencies between libraries, fetch the resulting source code, then link it together in an Xcode workspace to build your project. Create a podfile # Next line contains target platf...
A computed column is computed from an expression that can use other columns in the same table. The expression can be a noncomputed column name, constant, function, and any combination of these connected by one or more operators. Create table with a computed column Create table NetProfit ( Sa...
% set mypath /home/tcluser/sources/tcl/myproject/test.tcl /home/tcluser/sources/tcl/myproject/test.tcl % set dir [file dirname $mypath] /home/tcluser/sources/tcl/myproject % set filename [file tail $mypath] test.tcl % set basefilename [file rootname $filename] test % set extension [file exte...
Sometimes it is desirable to nest forms for the purpose of grouping controls and inputs logically on the page. However, HTML5 forms should not be nested. Angular supplies ng-form instead. <form name="myForm" noValidate> <!-- nested form can be referenced via 'myForm.myNestedFo...
Like for 1D signals, it's possible to filter images by applying a Fourier transformation, multiplying with a filter in the frequency domain, and transforming back into the space domain. Here is how you can apply high- or low-pass filters to an image with Matlab: Let image be the original, unfiltere...
By default stored procedures and functions or not generated by mysqldump, you will need to add the parameter --routines (or -R): mysqldump -u username -p -R db_name > dump.sql When using --routines the creation and change time stamps are not maintained, instead you should dump and reload the ...

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