Tutorial by Examples: di

This is the important configuration file where we need to specify the ViewResolver and View components. The context:component-scan element defines the base-package where DispatcherServlet will search the controller class. Here, the InternalResourceViewResolver class is used for the ViewResolver. ...
In this XML file, we are specifying the servlet class DispatcherServlet that acts as the front controller in Spring Web MVC. All the incoming request for the HTML file will be forwarded to the DispatcherServlet. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version...
Right-click on the Toolbox, then click "Choose Items". Select the COM Components tab, and then check Windows Media Player. axWindowsMediaPlayer will be added to Toolbox. Select this checkbox to use axWindowsMediaPlayer Then you can use axWindowsMediaPlayer :)
AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = "C:\My Files\Movies\Avatar.mp4" AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.play() This code will play Avatar in the axWindowsMediaPlayer.
Sympy is made for symbolic math, so let's have a look at some basic integration and differentiation. from sympy import symbols, sqrt, exp, diff, integrate, pprint x, y = symbols(...
The ternary operator (?:) Support for the extended ternary operator was added in Twig 1.12.0. {{ foo ? 'yes' : 'no' }} Evaluates: if foo echo yes else echo no {{ foo ?: 'no' }} or {{ foo ? foo : 'no' }} Evaluates: if foo echo it, else echo no {{ foo ? 'yes' }} or {{ f...
Both are used to define error handling for a website, but different software refers to different config elements. customErrors are a legacy (backwards compatable) element, used by Visual Studio Development Server (aka. VSDS or Cassini). httpErrors are the new element which is only used by IIS7. T...
Step 1: Open a Document Step 2 Option A: Press Alt + F11 This is the standard shortcut to open the VBE. Step 2 Option B: Developer Tab --> View Code First, the Developer Tab must be added to the ribbon. Go to File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon, then check the box for developer. Th...
The core data structure in numpy is the ndarray (short for n-dimensional array). ndarrays are homogeneous (i.e. they contain items of the same data-type) contain items of fixed sizes (given by a shape, a tuple of n positive integers that specify the sizes of each dimension) One-dimensional ar...
Open Visual Studio Select File --> New --> Project menu or push Ctrl + Shift + N buttons Select Outlook VSTO Add-in template Add the following code to the project: private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Hel...
A clean way to handle booleans is using an inline conditional with the a ? b : c ternary operator, which is part of Swift's Basic Operations. The inline conditional is made up of 3 components: question ? answerIfTrue : answerIfFalse where question is a boolean that is evaluated and answerIfTrue...
Blender's viewport is a dynamic, changeable interface composed of many different windows. With the program running by default, the viewport is composed of 5 different windows. Windows can be identified by looking for their small square indicator icons either in the top or bottom-left corner. They ma...
By creating multiple properties files for the different environments or use cases, its sometimes hard to manually change the active.profile value to the right one. But there is a way to set the active.profile in the application.properties file while building the application by using maven-profiles. ...
If you have: class MyExample(val i: Int) { operator fun <R> invoke(block: MyExample.() -> R) = block() fun Int.bigger() = this > i } you can write the following DSL-like code in your production code: fun main2(args: Array<String>) { val ex = MyExample(233) ex ...
Deque deque = new LinkedList(); //Adding element at tail deque.add("Item1"); //Adding element at head deque.addFirst("Item2"); //Adding element at tail deque.addLast("Item3");
// Create a new token object, specifying signing method and the claims // you would like it to contain. token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims{ "foo": "bar", "nbf": time.Date(2015, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix(), }) // Si...
In order to show an alert dialog containing a link which can be opened by clicking it, you can use the following code: AlertDialog.Builder builder1 = new AlertDialog.Builder(youractivity.this); builder1.setMessage(Html.fromHtml("your message,<a href=\"http://www.google.com\"&gt...
To read an array from the device back to the host, one calls clEnqueueReadBuffer($queue, $memobj, $blocking, $offset, $size, $target, 0, null, null); The $queue is the CommandQueue which was used to allocate the memory on the device. The $memobj contains the address to the device memory, $offset...
Reading an image is almost like reading an array. The only difference beeing that the size and offset need to be three-dimensional. clEnqueueReadImage($queue, $memobj, $blocking, $offset, $size, $stride, $slice_pitch, $target, 0, null, null); The $stride defines how many bytes a row has. Normall...
DRF offers the chance to further customize the behavior of the generic views/viewsets by allowing the creation of custom mixins. How to: To define a custom mixin we just need to create a class inheriting from object. Let's assume that we want to define two separate views for a model named MyM...

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