Tutorial by Examples: di

When you are in a controllerAction And have a POST request coming in, but want to redirect it, to a different route, while still maintaining the POST method and the request object, you can use the following: return $this->redirectToRoute('route', array( 'request' => $request, ), 307); ...
Step 1: Locate your download of Node.js, typically it is installed under C:/program files/nodejs Step 2: Open Visual Studios and navigate to "Tools>Options" Step 3: In the options window navigate to "Projects and Solutions>External Web Tools" Step 4: Add new entry with y...
Multi-Editing allows the user to edit text at several locations simultaneously. Multi-Editing is disabled by default: it can be enabled (resp. disabled) in Preferences > Editing by checking (resp. unchecking) the related checkbox. To use Multi-Editing, the user can Ctrl Click on the differe...
Column Editing enables the user to edit text on several lines as a vertical square zone. This feature is enabled by default. There are 3 ways to select a zone to edit: Maintain Alt+Shift and use Up/Down/Left/Right to select the zone to edit with direction keys Maintain Alt+Shift and click on t...
Ruby keeps track of local variables and self variable via an object called binding. We can get binding of a scope with calling Kernel#binding and evaluate string inside a binding via Binding#eval. b = proc do local_variable = :local binding end.call b.eval "local_variable" #=&gt...
If the file already exists, it will be overwritten! String fileName = "file.zip"; // name of the file String urlToGetFrom = "http://www.mywebsite.com/"; // URL to get it from String pathToSaveTo = "C:\\Users\\user\\"; // where to put it ...
The objects created within a Tiled Map (.tmx), can be simply loaded as bodies into a Box2D world using the Libgdx MapObject class as following: public void buildBuildingsBodies(TiledMap tiledMap, World world, String layer){ MapObjects objects = tiledMap.getLayers().get(layer).getObjects(); ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL" async></script>
C99 Since C99, C has variable length arrays, VLA, that model arrays with bounds that are only known at initialization time. While you have to be careful not to allocate too large VLA (they might smash your stack), using pointers to VLA and using them in sizeof expressions is fine. double sumAll(si...
The disabled binding adds a disabled attribute to a html element causing it to no longer be editable or clickable. This is useful mainly for <input>, <select>, <textarea>, <a> and <button> elements <input data-bind="disabled: disableInput"/> <sc...
Many bugs in knockout data binds are caused by undefined properties in a viewmodel. Knockout has two handy methods to retrieve the binding context of an HTML element: // Returns the binding context to which an HTMLElement is bound ko.contextFor(element); // Returns the viewmodel to which ...
img{ float:left; width:100px; margin:0 10px; } .div1{ background:#f1f1f1; /* does not create block formatting context */ } .div2{ background:#f1f1f1; overflow:hidden; /* creates block formatting context */ } https://jsfiddle.net/MadalinaTn/qkwwmu6m/2/ Using the o...
HTML: <div class="wrapper"> <div class="outer"> <div class="inner"> centered </div> </div> </div> CSS: .wrapper { height: 600px; text-align: center; } .outer { display: table; ...
Redis has publish/subscribe for sending messages. This is handled by subscribing to a channel & publishing to channel. Yes, subscribers will subscribe to one or more channels. Publisher need not know who are all subscribers. Instead, publisher will publish to specific channel. All the subscriber...
When creating the project You should check "Include Unit Tests" in the project creation dialog. After creating the project If you missed checking that item while creating your project, you could always add test files later. To do so: 1- Go to your project settings in Xcode 2- Go to ...
To get started with unit testing, which will be done in the tests file and will be testing the View Controller and Storyboard, we should introduce these two files to the test file. Defining the View Controller Swift var viewController : ViewController! Introducing the Storyboard and initializi...
According to Apple: Test Methods A test method is an instance method of a test class that begins with the prefix test, takes no parameters, and returns void, for example, (void)testColorIsRed(). A test method exercises code in your project and, if that code does not produce the expected result, ...
To build up an expression like _ => _.Field == "VALUE" at runtime. Given a predicate _ => _.Field and a string value "VALUE", create an expression that tests whether or not the predicate is true. The expression is suitable for: IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>...
Name binding is a concept that allows to say to a JAX-RS runtime that a specific filter or interceptor will be executed only for a specific resource method. When a filter or an interceptor is limited only to a specific resource method we say that it is name-bound. Filters and interceptors that do no...
In order to load the XML data with XOM you will need to make a Builder from which you can build it into a Document. Builder builder = new Builder(); Document doc = builder.build(file); To get the root element, the highest parent in the xml file, you need to use the getRootElement() on the Doc...

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