Tutorial by Examples: ed

Structure data types are useful way to package related data and have them behave like a single variable. Declaring a simple struct that holds two int members: struct point { int x; int y; }; x and y are called the members (or fields) of point struct. Defining and using structs: ...
Inject and reduce are different names for the same thing. In other languages these functions are often called folds (like foldl or foldr). These methods are available on every Enumerable object. Inject takes a two argument function and applies that to all of the pairs of elements in the Array. For...
Discriminated unions in F# offer a a way to define types which may hold any number of different data types. Their functionality is similar to C++ unions or VB variants, but with the additional benefit of being type safe. // define a discriminated union that can hold either a float or a string type...
The module cmath includes additional functions to use complex numbers. import cmath This module can calculate the phase of a complex number, in radians: z = 2+3j # A complex number cmath.phase(z) # 0.982793723247329 It allows the conversion between the cartesian (rectangular) and polar repr...
A std::vector automatically increases its capacity upon insertion as needed, but it never reduces its capacity after element removal. // Initialize a vector with 100 elements std::vector<int> v(100); // The vector's capacity is always at least as large as its size auto const old_capacity...
Creating an HTML document and enabling knockout.js Create an HTML file and include knockout.js via a <script> tag. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hello world! (knockout.js)</title> </head> <body> <script src="https://cdnjs...
static class Program { static void Main() { dynamic dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject(); string awesomeString = "Awesome"; // Prints True Console.WriteLine(awesomeString.IsThisAwesome()); dynamicObject.StringValue = awesomeStrin...
Assuming you created the serial port object s as in this example, then to close it fclose(s) However, sometimes you can accidentally lose the port (e.g. clear, overwrite, change scope, etc...), and fclose(s) will no longer work. The solution is easy fclose(instrfindall) More info at instrfin...
The SQL 2008 standard defines the FETCH FIRST clause to limit the number of records returned. SELECT Id, ProductName, UnitPrice, Package FROM Product ORDER BY UnitPrice DESC FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY This standard is only supported in recent versions of some RDMSs. Vendor-specific non-stand...
When NSLog is asked to print empty string, it omits the log completely. NSString *name = @""; NSLog(@"%@", name); // Resolves to @"" The above code will print nothing. It is a good practice to prefix logs with labels: NSString *name = @""; NSLog(@&quo...
You can use the <img> or <object> elements to embed external SVG elements. Setting the height and width is optional but is highly recommended. Using the image element <img src="attention.svg" width="50" height="50"> Using <img> does not allo...
You can add external SVG files using the background-image property, just as you would do with any other image. HTML: <div class="attention"></div> CSS: .attention { background-image: url(attention.svg); background-size: 100% 100%; width: 50px; height: ...
typedef double (^Operation)(double first, double second); If you declare a block type as a typedef, you can then use the new type name instead of the full description of the arguments and return values. This defines Operation as a block that takes two doubles and returns a double. The type can b...
Procedures do something. Name them after what they're doing, using a verb. If accurately naming a procedure is not possible, likely the procedure is doing too many things and needs to be broken down into smaller, more specialized procedures. Some common VBA naming conventions go thus: For all Pr...
public class Singleton { private readonly static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); private Singleton() { } public static Singleton Instance => instance; } This implementation is thread-safe because in this case instance object is initialized in the static constructor. The ...
This thread-safe version of a singleton was necessary in the early versions of .NET where static initialization was not guaranteed to be thread-safe. In more modern versions of the framework a statically initialized singleton is usually preferred because it is very easy to make implementation mistak...
git shortlog summarizes git log and groups by author If no parameters are given, a list of all commits made per committer will be shown in chronological order. $ git shortlog Committer 1 (<number_of_commits>): Commit Message 1 Commit Message 2 ... Committer 2 (<number_of_...
The flow of execution of a Ruby block may be controlled with the break, next, and redo statements. break The break statement will exit the block immediately. Any remaining instructions in the block will be skipped, and the iteration will end: actions = %w(run jump swim exit macarena) index = 0 ...
When assigning named methods to delegates, they will refer to the same underlying object if: They are the same instance method, on the same instance of a class They are the same static method on a class public class Greeter { public void WriteInstance() { Console.Write...
The System namespace contains Func<..., TResult> delegate types with between 0 and 15 generic parameters, returning type TResult. private void UseFunc(Func<string> func) { string output = func(); // Func with a single generic type parameter returns that type Console.WriteLine...

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