Tutorial by Examples: elem

To find the largest or smallest element stored in a vector, you can use the methods std::max_element and std::min_element, respectively. These methods are defined in <algorithm> header. If several elements are equivalent to the greatest (smallest) element, the methods return the iterator to th...
To sort elements efficiently (all at once and with minimal DOM interruption), we need to: Find the elements Sort based on a set condition Insert back in the DOM <ul id='my-color-list'> <li class="disabled">Red</li> <li>Green</li> <li ...
Introduction and motivation Expression templates (denoted as ETs in the following) are a powerful template meta-programming technique, used to speed-up calculations of sometimes quite expensive expressions. It is widely used in different domains, for example in implementation of linear algebra ...
Lets suppose you have 2 Lists A and B, and you want to remove from B all the elements that you have in A the method in this case is List.removeAll(Collection c); #Example: public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> numbersA = new ArrayList<>(); List<Intege...
Reverse elements within a tuple colors = "red", "green", "blue" rev = colors[::-1] # rev: ("blue", "green", "red") colors = rev # colors: ("blue", "green", "red") Or using reversed (reversed gives an it...
Strings Array When selecting a value in the select dropdown and providing an array of strings, the selected value will be bound to the select element's value property as a string that we can display using string interpolation. export class MyViewModel { animals = []; favouriteAnimal = nu...
When using show.bind the element remains in the page and is either hidden or visible through the use of display:none or display:block behind the scenes. export class MyViewModel { isVisible = false; } <template> <div show.bind="isVisible"><strong>I can be b...
Unlike show.bind when using if.bind the element will be removed from the page if the supplied binding value is false or added into the page if the value is true. export class MyViewModel { isVisible = false; } <template> <div if.bind="isVisible"><strong>If ...
Suppose you have two lists: A and B, and you need to find the elements that exist in both lists. You can do it by just invoking the method List.retainAll(). Example: public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> numbersA = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> numb...
The angular.isElement returns true if the argument passed to it is a DOM Element or a jQuery wrapped Element. angular.isElement(elem) This function is useful to type check if a passed argument is an element before being processed as such. Examples: angular.isElement(document.querySelector(&q...
Pseudo-elements are often used to change the look of lists (mostly for unordered lists, ul). The first step is to remove the default list bullets: ul { list-style-type: none; } Then you add the custom styling. In this example, we will create gradient boxes for bullets. li:before { conte...
The String.Join method can be used to concatenate multiple elements from a string array. string[] value = {"apple", "orange", "grape", "pear"}; string separator = ", "; string result = String.Join(separator, value, 1, 2); Console.WriteLine(resu...
On of the overloads of the Select extension methods also passes the index of the current item in the collection being selected. These are a few uses of it. Get the "row number" of the items var rowNumbers = collection.OrderBy(item => item.Property1) .ThenBy...
Emacs's user interface uses terms that were coined early and can be unsettling to users used to a more modern terminology. Frame In Emacs, what is otherwise called a window (the area of the display used by a program) is called a frame. Emacs starts using one frame, though additional frames may b...
For...Next Using the iterator variable as the index number is the fastest way to iterate the elements of an array: Dim items As Variant items = Array(0, 1, 2, 3) Dim index As Integer For index = LBound(items) To UBound(items) 'assumes value can be implicitly converted to a String: D...
Applying css intuitively doesn't produce the desired results because vertical-align:middle isn't applicable to block-level elements margin-top:auto and margin-bottom:auto used values would compute as zero margin-top:-50% percentage-based margin values are calculated relative to the width of ...
When one wishes to convert a list to a vector or data.frame object empty elements are typically dropped. This can be problematic which a list is created of a desired length are created with some empty values (e.g. a list with n elements is created to be added to an m x n matrix, data.frame, or data...
To interact with WebElements in a webpage, first we need to identify the location of the element. By is the keyword available in selenium. You can locate the elements By.. By ID By Class Name By TagName By Name By Link Text By Partial Link Text By CSS Selector By XPath Using JavaScript ...
ArrayList is one of the inbuilt data structures in Java. It is a dynamic array (where the size of the data structure not needed to be declared first) for storing elements (Objects). It extends AbstractList class and implements List interface. An ArrayList can contain duplicate elements where it mai...
cycle is an infinite iterator. >>> import itertools as it >>> it.cycle('ABCD') A B C D A B C D A B C D ... Therefore, take care to give boundaries when using this to avoid an infinite loop. Example: >>> # Iterate over each element in cycle for a fixed range >&g...

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