Tutorial by Examples: 6

Usually we struggle through the process of making login in the Raspberry Pi using ssh or other similar tools. But we can make the process more pleasent. Once your Raspberry Pi is connected to a network it gets an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address, that is based on the NIC's MAC address. The good thi...
From android 6.0 this permission needs to grant dynamically, <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/> Throwing below permission denied error on 6.0, Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window android.view.ViewRoo...
Dim i, cars(2) cars(0) = "Ford" cars(1) = "Audi" cars(2) = "Prius" For i=0 to ubound(cars) If cars(i) = "Audi" Then Exit For Next
First open the Command prompt and "Run as Administrator". Once the command prompt is open navigate to the PSTools directory. From the command prompt we need to run git-bash using PSExec or PSExec64 as the Local Service, which Jenkins is running on the build server as by default. We wi...
1)Took backup of Machine.config from locations C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config and C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config 2)Copy them to different location and edit them as a)locate and add under <system.data> <DbProviderFactories> ...
This example is how to turn an image into a Base64 string (i.e. a string you can use directly in a src attribute of an img tag). This example specifically uses the Imagick library (there are others available, such as GD as well). <?php /** * This loads in the file, image.jpg for manipulation....
NOTES: We are going to install Magento 2 on fresh Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS with PHP 7.0, MySQL 5.6 and Apache 2.4. 1. Setup Requirements Apache 2.2 or 2.4 with mod_rewrite module (or) Nginx >= 1.8. PHP 5.5 or later version. PHP 7.0 also supported. Required PHP-Modules – PDO/MySQL, mbstring, ...
Step 1: Create an empty project via File -> New Project. Step 2: Right click the project solution and select Build Dependencies->Build Customizations. Step 3: Check the checkbox ".masm". Step 4: Press the button "ok". Step 5: Create your assembly file and type in th...
To create \DateTimeImmutable in PHP 5.6+ use: \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($concrete); Prior PHP 5.6 you can use: \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(\DateTime::ISO8601, $mutable->format(\DateTime::ISO8601), $mutable->getTimezone());
These functions will hash either String or Data input with one of eight cryptographic hash algorithms. The name parameter specifies the hash function name as a String Supported functions are MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 This example requires Common Crypto It is nece...
These functions will hash either String or Data input with one of eight cryptographic hash algorithms. The name parameter specifies the hash function name as a String Supported functions are MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 This example requires Common Crypto It is necessary to h...
The following example is tested on Windows 8 pro 64-bit operating system with python 2.7 and scrapy v 1.2. Let assume that we have already installed the scrapy framework. MySQL database that we will use in the following tutorial CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrapy_items` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGN...
Read a 16-bit unsigned integer from input. This function uses the interrupt service Int 21/AH=0Ah for reading a buffered string. The use of a buffered string let the user review what they had typed before passing it to the program for processing. Up to six digits are read (as 65535 = 216 - 1 has ...
Print a number in binary, quaternary, octal, hexadecimal and a general power of two All the bases that are a power of two, like the binary (21), quaternary (22), octal (23), hexadecimal (24) bases, have an integral number of bits per digit1. Thus to retrieve each digit2 of a numeral we simply brea...
Print a 16-bit unsigned number in decimal The interrupt service Int 21/AH=02h is used to print the digits. The standard conversion from number to numeral is performed with the div instruction, the dividend is initially the highest power of ten fitting 16 bits (104) and it is reduced to lower power...
; IF d0 == 10 GO TO ten, ELSE GO TO other CMP #10,d0 ; compare register contents to immediate value 10 ; instruction affects the zero flag BEQ ten ; branch if zero flag set other: ; do whatever needs to be done for d0 != 10 BRA ...
To include the base64 module in your script, you must import it first: import base64 The base64 encode and decode functions both require a bytes-like object. To get our string into bytes, we must encode it using Python's built in encode function. Most commonly, the UTF-8 encoding is used, howeve...
The base64 module also includes encoding and decoding functions for Base16. Base 16 is most commonly referred to as hexadecimal. These functions are very similar to the both the Base64 and Base32 functions: import base64 # Creating a string s = "Hello World!" # Encoding the string into...
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. You can use it for any of the following: IP PBX systems VoIP gateways ISDN/ 3G IVVR Here is a brief instruction for step by step installation of asterisk 1.8(or you can do for latest versions) on Redhat/centos (fo...
How to reference a default folder and the possible limitations of this technique. How to reference any single folder at any depth within any accessible store. How to display the full name of a referenced folder. How to reference one of the many, many available libraries that provide functionali...

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