Tutorial by Examples: ansi

public class MyPage : ContentPage { RelativeLayout _layout; Label MiddleText; public MyPage() { _layout = new RelativeLayout(); MiddleText = new Label { Text = "Middle Text" }; MiddleText.SizeChanged += ...
MATLAB R2016b featured a generalization of its scalar expansion1,2 mechanism, to also support certain element-wise operations between arrays of different sizes, as long as their dimension are compatible. The operators that support implicit expansion are1: Element-wise arithmetic operators: +, -,...
audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); audioManager.requestAudioFocus(audioListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT); changedListener = new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() { @Override public void onAudioFocu...
Go to Providers > ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs and edit the ValidateClientRedirectUri function. This was a big gotcha to me, as if you don't do this there'll be a fantastically unhelpful error message. By default, this code will make any callbacks to your site invalid unless they're to the site's ...
The idea is to have one or more control machines from where you can issue ad-hoc commands to remote machines (via ansible tool) or run a sequenced instruction set via playbooks (via ansible-playbook tool). Basically, we use Ansible control machine, this will typically be your desktop, laptop or s...
The pattern parameter_pack ... is expanded into a list of comma-separated substitutions of parameter_pack with each one of its parameters template<class T> // Base of recursion void variadic_printer(T last_argument) { std::cout << last_argument; } template<class T, class .....
TypeScript Angular 2 Component import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Renderer} from '@angular/core'; import {SuiTransition} from "ng2-semantic-ui/components/transition/transition"; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: './home.component.html', styleUrls: ['./home.co...
@Component({ ... animations: [ trigger('appear', [ transition(':enter', [ style({ //style applied at the start of animation }), animate('300ms ease-in', style({ ...
Suppose the following matrix is the transition probability matrix associated with a Markov chain. 0.5 0.2 0.3 P= 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 In order to study the nature of the states of a Markov chain, a state transition diagram of the Markov chain is drawn. \documentclass[12pt...
Check the right software versions are installed: ansible >=2.0 python >=2.6 shade module for python $ansible --version ansible $python --version Python 2.7.5 Install 'shade' the python component used to pilot openstack. $pip install shade Note : if you use a company...
Our openstack tenant is already set: a virtual lan gives instances private IP a virtual router map public IP to private IP a security key has been generated we have default firewall configuration for ssh and port 80 we are able to launch an instance thanks to the OpenStack web interface ...
Let use 'os_server' command from module 'Cloud' [http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/os_server_module.html]. Variables are defined in ./group_vars/all. $vi launch_compute.yml - name: launch a compute instance hosts: localhost gather_facts: False tasks: - name: Create and launch the VM ...
In this example, one of two different ImageViews should be translated from the ChooserFragment to the DetailFragment. In the ChooserFragment layout we need the unique transitionName attributes: <ImageView android:id="@+id/image_first" android:layout_width="wrap_content...
app.component.html <div> <div> <div *ngFor="let user of users"> <button class="btn" [@buttonState]="user.active" (click)="user.changeButtonState()">{{user.firstName}}</button> <...
Imagine you're testing code that makes a call to this interface, and you want to make sure your retry code is working. public interface DataStore { void save(Data data) throws IOException; } You could do something like this: public void saveChanges_Retries_WhenDataStoreCallFails() { ...
This example echoes the special character ! into a file. This would only work when DelayedExpansion is disabled. When delayed expansion in enabled, you will need to use three carets and an exclamation mark like this: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo ^^^!>file echo ^>>&...
Inline expansion (also known as inlining) is compiler optimisation that replaces a call to a function with the body of that function. This saves the function call overhead, but at the cost of space, since the function may be duplicated several times. // source: int process(int value) { ret...
This example shows how to create a custom presentation transition that is driven by a composite UIDynamicBehavior. We can start by creating a presenting view controller that will present a modal. Swift class PresentingViewController: UIViewController { lazy var button: UIButton = { ...
This example shows how to make an interactive presentation transition with "real-world" physics similar to iOS's notifications screen. To start with, we need a presenting view controller that the shade will appear over. This view controller will also act as our UIViewControllerTransitio...
public void setCardColorTran(CardView card) { ColorDrawable[] color = {new ColorDrawable(Color.BLUE), new ColorDrawable(Color.RED)}; TransitionDrawable trans = new TransitionDrawable(color); if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) { card.setB...

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